Le’mar Lestalt Character in Hausken | World Anvil
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Le’mar Lestalt

High Keeper Le’mar Lestalt (a.k.a. The Wizard; The Founder; Lestalt; High Keeper)

The only survivor and governing ruler of Hausken – High Keeper, Le’mar Lestalt. Lestalt owed his longevity to the magics he could control, he and Häusken were intertwined and their fates entangled. Through his powers of prophesy, he had saved the city four hundred years earlier, he had foreseen The Wrath and had convinced the counsel to erect the Peacekeepers with their crystal eyes around the city’s border.   Lestalt resides in the The Tower and is protected by the Tower Praetorians and the Keepers Arm, however has not been seen for many years.   Without his voice, the Tower Council govern on his behalf.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

Lestalt had convinced the counsel to erect the twelve large towers with their crystal eyes around the city’s border, which saved the city from Distruction when the Wrath began.
Current Status
Has hidden himself in the main tower of the city, but has not been seen for years.
No one knows
Ruled Locations


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