The Brass Organization in Hausken | World Anvil
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The Brass

Giraud Avenier and his guns in the South side. Delectate features hiding ugly souls, they wore metal creations like armour covering their faces and soft flesh susceptible to counter attack. Avenier’s faction controlled much of the steam works, and a bulk of the Goblin population. The treated metal the faction used to craft their armour suffered from discolouration through exposure, giving it a red speckled tint in the light. This unique side effect of their crafting earnt the faction their name, The Brass.   The Brass are primarily mercinaries for hire, and are known to sell information or work for the highest bidder. Because of this, their loyalty is considered fickle and have not expanded their territory beyond that which was already carved out for them.   The Brass own many businesses around Hausken. Some of these include:
  • TBA
    The Brass Logo The logo used by the Brass is a sheild, coin and sword all stacked on top of each other, representing their armour, their mercenary work, and the weapons they use to carry out their work. It is used in tattoos and jewelry to help identify members of the organisation, and is etched into much of their amour. If one knows where to look, it can also be seen carved into doors and door frames, on cariages, branded onto boxes, and painted onto cobblestone - it indicates ownership and solidarity for those of the organisation.
Illicit, Gang
Notable Members


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