Tower Praetorians Military Formation in Hausken | World Anvil
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Tower Praetorians

Le’mar Lestalt created his own elite police force – a group that would report directly to the Tower Council, above the common decree they were a law unto themselves. These Human elite were known as the Tower Praetorians and were spread amongst the city, ever watching and ever vigilant. The richer the area, the closer to the centre of Häusken one would be, and the more Tower Praetorians could be seen.   In the beginning, Lestalt hand selected his finest Tower Praetorians and created the Keepers Arm – they were to act like body guards, protecting his every move. They kept a watch during his long hours in his chambers as he wrote his prophesies and scriptures, completing lore and decrees. They escorted him to the council to ensure assassination attempts were stopped.


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