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Mysterious past: The past of the nomadic grey-skinned elves is shrouded in mystery. Different cultures have many different beliefs as to how and why the elves exist. Some believe them to be the true citizens of Haven, created by the gods to watch over their creation and cohabitate it with its many creatures and unstable landscape. Others believe that the elves are demonic harbingers of chaos, possessing supernatural abilities and uncanny bravery, destined to shape the world to their will. The elves themselves believe that they are the descendants of a subterranean race of malicious elves, who worshipped arachnid deities and the darkness of the underground, who found their redemption and were destined to find the light. One thing is for certain; the elves are central to Haven and seem to be in closer connection to it than any other race. Though previously thought to be cursed to be magicless, some elves are starting to discover their magic abilities, employing radiant spells of healing, of banishing the dark and of protection. Most elves are kind and self-less.   Explorers and Adventurers: Elves take up adventuring out of wanderlust. Since they are nomadic and reverent of the land, they can enjoy exploration and discovery. They dislike the pace of human society, which is regimented from day to day but constantly changing over decades, so they find careers that let them travel freely and set their own pace. Elves also enjoy adventuring to exercise their martial prowess, scaling sheer cliffs and crossing yawning chasms with such skill that they sometimes seem to almost take flight. Some might join with rebels fighting against oppression, and others might become champions of moral causes.   Ancient nomads: Elves are widely seen as the true citizens of Haven, having been there before even the ancient gnomish caves and the first human settlements. They aren’t as commonly seen as humans, but can certainly be found anywhere. They navigate the realms of Haven and it’s islands with almost no sense of danger, making their way through this highly unstable environment as naturally as walking. Due to their ability to navigate the world like no other race, elves don’t see the need to settle and thus often prefer a nomadic lifestyle, grouping together only to trade or fight for a moral cause. Where humans tend to see the world as broken an in need of fixing, elves see the world as a place of opportunity and wonder, embracing the perpetual change as beauty and sacred perfection.   GHOSTS: In rare cases elves are born with unusually pale skin and hair, often referred to as “Llothal (‘Ghosts’ in common)”. An ancient relic of the elves’ sinister past, these Llothal are sometimes born with ominous abilities or physical features, such as extra eyes or arms and thick black hairs. Llothal are widely seen as beings of evil, and are often banished from elven society. Very few Mutes are born as Llothal, often seen as a bad omen of corruption and punishment. The combination of their anti-magic nature and the ancient abyssal presence leads to volatile personalities. These Mute Llothal embrace their physicality, often becoming zealous and in even rarer cases turning to vampirism. Some elves even pretend to be a Llothal, dying their hair and skin white in order to strike fear in their opponents.
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