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Human Testbed System

The Human Testbed System (or Humans for short) is a sapeint species created to test a variety of traits and features before implementing them on production species. The basic body plan of one head, two arms with each having a hand manipulator unit, and two legs with each have foot stabiliszation unit jutting out from a central trunk (called a torso) in a roughly mirrors plan along the verticle axis of the body was deemed to be the most efficient and yet very simple plan to implement. Because of this, almost all of the species in both the Development and Production planar systems are built directly from this template.    Unlike most of the species derrived from the HTS, humans tend to be relatively weak, lack essential adaptaions (like low light vision, echolocation, and extensive body hair), especially prone to injury and desease, and include many cogintive and moral failings that constantly put the species on a brink of self anihilation. Despite this, the species is overly adaptive and resourceful.    The most current interation (Homo Sapiens) as of this entry has proven exceptionally hearty, robust, very procreative, and exceptionally hard to remove once installed on a plane, despite many weak to average traits built into the species. Despite being only a testbed species, they are found in the production toolbox for Planar Development and the single, most numerous species by planes occupied in the production system. This has lead to allegations of lazy, uninspired, and/or uncreative planar design by the Architect. Even positive voices have stated that the HTS were used as placeholder species until The Architect could get around to updating those planes with other sentient species. This has led to some to suggest that the "Quantity over Quality" aspect of Planar Design created a production Planar System that is largely boring, unimaginative, and uncreative, with calls of culling many of the planes in the system to focus on the more diverse and interesting planes. Reguardless, the HTS can be found on over 50,000 planes, being the only sentient species in most of them.


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