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The Shal'Therin are a prototype sentient species used by The Architect as a test bed to see if having multiple heads on a species was viable. Outside of having two heads, a cat-like rough tounge, and a Vomeronasal Organ (Jacobsen Organ), they are indistinguishable from Humans.   Shal'Therin are found in the Development Plane beta-0000167.   While the development of a dual head species was not only found the trait to be viable but superior to species with single heads, due to cost overruns and other resource considerations, it was found the idea exceptionally expensive to implement. Because of the costs (much to the detriment of other species and the planar systems), all subsequent species only feature one head. And this is why the species was shelved for planar design and development.   Even thought the Shal'Therin were built off the human testbed species, it is unknown if the Shal'Therin are compatible with other sentient species for the subject of reproduction.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Shal'Therins tend to form democratic systems of self governance, with a council structure for creating laws and an executive structure for enforcement.


Shal'Therins tend to be amiable to other sentient species and will easily integrate themselves into any societal structures they're placed in.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Test species built directly from the Human Testbed System template.
250 years
Conservation Status
Because of the costs involved to develop and implement multi-head designs have prevented this species from ever being used on any plane beyond the Development Plane beta-167, beta-167 is allowed to continue to run. This is partly done out of curiosity, as to see what such a species would be like if they were allowed to progress in production environments. And compared to a lot of more problematic production planes, beta-167 (largely due to its inhabitants) is a far more stable and robust plane. Letting beta-167 run has cost the company little from its R&D budget.   The company has also found that Shal'Therins tend to make excellent middle managers, thus also sparing beta-167 from being removed from service. Sadly, the costs associated with implementing Shal'Therins in any production planes means they are mostly a novelty species let to run largely out of curiosity.


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