Rangers of Briar Glen Organization in Heimaalin | World Anvil

Rangers of Briar Glen

Rangers of Briar Glen


To Protect thy Kingdom

       The rangers of Briar Glen are an elite military unit devoted to protecting the southern borders of Ulnost from the horrors of Eastwythe. They are the first line of defense, trained by the Councils of Briar Glen to wield blade and magic against the fey who would wish harm upon their people.        After the death of Emperor Friedrich Wythe and the Fall of Eastwythe, many rangers were present at the northern end of the Drowned Road connecting Briar Glen to the fey wood. Thanks to their sacrifice and warning, the druids were able to conjure a barrier, saving the city from being overrun. It was after this event that the division recieved additional funding, deemed essential to the safety of the citizens of Ulnost. Not only were armament and accommodations expanded, but also a rigorous training program was implemented, looking to prove the rangers as one of the most elite units in the kingdom.        The training program begins with brutal physical training, weeding out those without conviction. The standard longbow of the rangers of Briar Glen boast a draw weight of one hundred and twenty pounds, and trainees must be able to fire the weapon quickly and accurately. Additionally, rangers must be able to run with their heavy pack for extended periods of time without food or water. On top of endless combat training, it is also required to survive in the wilderness with no assistance for several months, if not a year. Trainees get a period of rest before being handed off to the Druidic councils, where members of the Lesser Council train the rangers in mental fortitude, teach them extensively about the fey and their habits, and train them in druidic magic.        Today, rangers of Briar Glen have a direct line of communication to Vesser Rantari Highmore, the grandmaster of the Greater Council. Daily reports are given on changes in activity within Eastwythe, and now choice incursions into the early borders of the forest are underway. They remain a beacon of hope in the fight against the fey, and now take a more active role in providing information about the events within the forest.


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