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The Akelai are used to seeing the strange and unexpected, most having spend years in other countries far away. Thus most of them are quite welcoming or at least polite towards that which many would consider foreign and possibly dangerous. Folks born here have an innate wanderlust in their bones, seeing the great ships ride off into the sunset, growing up when people are away for years at a time, makes a family a loose concept at times, but in a sense also strengthens it. People are expected to take care of themselves but are expected to welcome home those who’ve been off for trade and ply their trade in the far lands. They stick together through thick and thin, but it isn’t uncommon to hold friends closer and in higher regard than family amongst the Akelai.   To the Akelai there is little reason to greet the foreign with hostility, after all, it’s possible business. In the past many elves fled the destruction of their home to Akelai, many of them were welcomed by the natives of the mountains who took them in, for they were useful to the travels and for their knowledge, thus there have been elves in the Akelai for so many years, that to many magic and elves by extension isn’t viewed as anything dangerous, but rather as an opportunity and friends. At its introduction to the league, it did not take long before road on the king’s road started, a massive program to pave a road through the baknland, to enable easier passage for traders to and from Baknland and open the way to the south for the league.


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