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Fen'Arn Kalymzor

The Wolves of Kalymzor are scattered remnants of those druids and followers of the old ways that refused to yield to the southern invaders, instead, they fled into the Ravnslund, where the great wolf resides the promise of vengeance on their lips. Ever since they have been a thorn in the sides of the kingdom disrupting trade and caravans, and worse still they have been seen working together with elven rebels, those who evaded justice during the fall of Scalia.
    The Circle is a scattered one, and only loosely organized, with many different goals and reasons for joining, which are in truth only loosely allied by shared opposition of the Korval League. Of these groups, the largest are:    

The Elivians

Formed primarily of elves who were exiled or fled during the League's takeover of the region, though quite a few of its members are drawn from people sympathetic to their cause. Many still remember a time when Man and Elf still lived side by side, and many seek to reinstate such a time, as many families were split apart, lovers and friends forced to part.   The Elivians work primarily in the northern parts of the forest, seeking to disrupt the Asger family, one of the primary enforcers of the elf homes, and to stop the trade from entering their lands via the channels.  

The Wolf Circle

The druidic remnants of many southern circles, the Wolves seek to dismantle the Church and if needed by the League, they see them as the poison of the mind, one that swallowed the traditions and ways of the people, and the harmony of the land, and the only cure is the removal of such a blight. They seek to spread distrust of the Churchs ability to protect the people, though many are split internally on just how radically they should twist their original purpose, as in the end, to enforce such means, does mean hurting those they once swore to protect.  

The Elmlund Sessionist

Mercenaries and veterans of the Third Noraken war dissatisfied with their treatment and pay struck after the war, many of them were forcefully stroke down or executed, sparking massive outrage in the army. Many began a life of banditry and brigandy joining forces or taking on local criminals within their groups, giving them arms and training them, the sessionist of Ravnslund is quite a formidable fighting force, and a constant thorn in the side of the kingdom.


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