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The Ostfjorn Region - The Kingdom of Fjallir

On the northernmost frontier of the League is the Kingdom of Fjallir, a young and poor kingdom, Fjallir has long fought for it's regonization from the other member states, but often being over looked as a backwater "colony", has fostered some resentment from certain parts of the northern populace and nobles alike, while the south enjoys the great benefit of trade protection are firmly aligned with the League's interest.  

United by history

The people of the Fjallir are not truly united, many do not regard themselves by national identity but rather by shared history & conflict they are united by their common struggles and to some bloodlines. Even to the dominant Norskjarg it is the case, with the southern realm being aligned with the Southern kings their trends and ways, for all the benefits it brings them, trade, protection and power. While the northern Norskjaeg see few of these benefits, they are to send their sons and daughters to far off wars, while being asked to defend the frontiers against peoples they've never considered enemies before while seeing few of the benefits their southern cousins do.   Thus the lands of Fjallir are in truth more clan oriented then any real kingdom, with each of them swearing fealty to the Stolbrands, because they lead them to victories in the past and in present, and so long as the Stolbrands can continue to placate the needs of the clans and ensure they are fulfilled they will have their loyalty.  

The great houses

In time these clans would become known as the great houses, in a similar fashion as the southern kingdoms styled themselves, though it varies just how applicable the title truly is. The king by degree of the League is currently from the Stolbrand house, to whom the others have sworn fealty and by treaty are sworn to answer their call to arms, in return they are may rule their lands as they see fit, and their lands cannot be revoked so long as they do not break their oaths. The structure of this nobility is largely shaped by their memebership in the League, with the Lord of the Ostfjorn, being the heighest position, and the direct autherity of the five thrones and the league in the region, and the spokes person for the region in the hall of lords, though usually a trusted fyrst is send in his stead. Beneath him are the Barons of the various houses, who in turn give land to their Fyrst to rule the land. This land once given by the treaty of the first coalition, cannot be revoked and his protected by the Lord of the region, so that even those who granted the land cannot revoke it without righteous cause.


Founded by the short but grueling civil war called the raven wars, though these days it more often called the founding war. It saw the minor Norskjarg houses rise up against their Fhrunlai lords, House Stolbrand, Dunrad & Asger were the first to rise up, when the League promised them independence in return for joining them. At the war's end house Stolbrand, was crowned Lords of the region, by the League, and have since then ruled over the Ostfjorn, with a firm and just hand.    Though a young kingdom, it has seen much hardship, being on the frontier of the League, it has long been called into many neighboring conflicts, most recent of which are the Three Nostaken wars, the latest one, having proved greatly detrimental to the stability of the young Kingdom.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Parent Organization
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