Lulu Sabah
Lulu Sabah Amk Farrah Ifra Rashim
Or just Lulu to her friends, Lulu Sabah is a mischievous woman of endless facetious mirth, though that belies a ruthless cunning that she's accumulated over years of experience amongst gangsters and the addicts she used to supply.
Lulu Sabah cares about two things, making money and friends, preferable both cause they come back for more.
Physical Description
Facial Features
Lulu has an ilustrious and slightly luminescent tattoo of an eye on her forehead, made from a teal ink.
As Tiefling Lulu Sabah has two large backwards curling horns which frame her hair.
Mental characteristics
Personal history
Lulu Sabah failed to live up to her namesake at an early age when she fell in with what could be described as a bad crowd, in doing so she did live up to a lot of stereotypes however, ones she played into well, most folks tend to fear the fiends of hell and all that resembles them.
These days however she runs a honest shop in association with The Royal Firebrand Striders, helping them supply striders at reasonable rates.
Lulu Sabah build a minor fortune in illicit dealings in drugs and recreationals that arnt allowed by the court. The exact reasons of why she retired from the business is not known, but these days she's self employed once more dealing in wares both mundane and magical for the usage of Striders looking to leave their mark, or just not starve on the journey.
Religious Views
Like most Rashi she venerates The Radiant as the embodiment of power and symbol of glory. Though you will hardly catch her in prayer she prefers to pay tribute through emulation.
Current Location
Current Residence
Rashim in her shop Lulu's Trove
Light Grey
Long sleek hair held back by the curve of her horns.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale Red
1.7 meters
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations