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As they are hailed by the clergy of the celestial gods, but they by many names; Devilkin, Demonspawn, Hell-touched, or Tieflings. The product of deeds so foul that the sin seeps into the very being of the perpetrator leaving a permanent scar on their souls, a scar so foul it forever lingers on their linage, thus damning their children to forever pay for the sins of their ancestors, forcing them to be met with distrust and fear for sins not their own and to tackle the inner demons that those before them could not.    

Marks of Sin

Upon the body of all those who afflicted by the curse is the physical mark, denoting the origin of their original sin and what pacts may have been struck by their ancestors. If nothing else, no matter how malformed their bodies are by their curse and even those who bear no visible signs, all bear the mark upon their flesh and bone.   The mark can skip several generations until it suddenly makes its terrible presence known again, bringing with it misery and contempt to the family, for not only does it mark ancient sin, many fear that such a close connection to the hells can bring devastation to their family, nor do most common folk know the difference between a Sinblood and a devil, often leading to the child's early demise.   All Sinblood understand the nature of their own mark, from the moment of their birth do they know what sins they bear and who beckons them from the beyond.

Mark of the Malignant King

The Grand ruler of all devil-kind, at the center of his great realm, bound eternally unto his throne does he extend his unfathomable will unto all of his subjects. Those associated with his mark bear his enormous force of will, able to corrupt and bend the will of those around them.   it is not uncommon for those marked by the malignant king to bear an Impressive Crown of horns and have hoofed feet, as well as having a visible lack of pupils. In those displaying, a strong corruption even sprouts dark feathered wings, and their eyes sunk inwards.

Mark of The Swordmaiden

Those who bear the mark of the Grand Marshal, are often born with unmistakable apathy and a strong drive to fight headfirst, never backing down before a challenge often the harm of those around them and themselves.   Those born with her mark, show a strong affinity towards iron, some growing iron spikes and similar protrusions from their skin, or even scales of steel as well as iron nails and teeth. In some cases, severe corruption even iron-like growths cover their eyes or even entire face, given them a wholly alien appearance. Though by means unknown these growths appear to function as an auxiliary sensory organ.  

Mark of The Covetous Empress

She desires all, there is nothing in the world for which she does not long. An affliction which those born of her mark also suffer, going their entire lives feeling empty, desperately trying to fill their holes in their hearts with wild passions, and lofty ambitions, never to feel satisfied.   These Sinblooded often have unnaturally smooth skin, almost akin to firm silk and long slender horns, and blue skin tones. Those with great affiliation to her mark find their skin gaining strange and alluring patterns as if silken clothes, or long serpentine tongues.

Mark of The Old Keeper

Within the ancient layers of hell, is the great library a forbidden sanctuary of knowledge, jealousy hoarded and kept away from all eyes. Those born of the mark of The Old keeper, cannot help but be drawn to the taboo and that which is hidden, and they do not like to share such information, it leaves them physically uncomfortable. Often do they find it hard to care for others, and feel only familiarity and joy in dusty tomes rather than the warm embrace of others.   The usual characteristics of those born with the mark of the keeper are that of rough and parchment-like skin and an unearthly glow to their eyes and stubby horns. Those with a strong connection seem to lose many facial features or become almost impossible to remember.

Mark of the Yellow King

Those born of the yellow king, are creatures bound to solitude, for loyalty is foreign to them, the compulsion to betray others, to sell secrets, and manipulate those around them is almost impossible to ignore. For one to trust those of the mark is a bold move, and some struggle their entire lives to main true to others, it is their burden to bear.   The physical characteristics of his mark: they are born with strange birthmarks, often referred to as so called shadowlooms, these black blotches on their skin appear innocuous or strange at first glance, but if one studies them for a while, it can be seen that they shift and turn, moving overnight to other spots. Those born with a strong affinity can shift these marks at will, to cover their bodies melding them with the shadows. They often have dark skin tones, blacks, and darker purples being the most common.

Mark of The Envious Baroness

The great temptress, she who hears every wish and whisper the all-consuming cruelty of those long. Many born with her mark, are often granted a strong affinity to the needs of others, and should one wish, how to exploit it.   The physical characteristics of her mark, are usually more subtle, but those who are physicially afflicted will often have purple skin, and golden horns.

Mark of the Dread Queen

The terrible incarnation of fear, disease, and inevitable demise of mortal life, rightfully feared by all, and no less are her scions feared. Those who bear her mark are often feared as harbingers of disease and approaching disaster.   Those marked by the Dread Queen, often have a deathly pale complexion, and it is rare that they sprout more than a single horn. Those especially afflicted are often pox riddled and decrepit, sullen husks that march on despite the odds.  

Mark of The Slaughterer

Fiercest and most violent of all his champions, the Slaughterer has delighted in his tasks since his fall, and those marked by him, often find it difficult to reign in their violent tendencies. Their lives are marked by a constant struggle to control their urges, lest they become little more than a beast.   Those marked by the Slaughterer, are often frightening to look upon; They often lack lips revealing their vicious teeth, they are marked by redskin and great curling horns.  

Mark of The Scorn Lord

The Scorn Lord has long been the bastion against the demonic hordes, and his hatred runs deep. Those born of his mark, are hateful folk for them any other emotion feels dampened, thus their lot in life is to fight their demeanor, love, and happiness these things are brief states of mind unless fought for.      

True Kin

A name given to those born with a strong connection to their mark & patron, such creatures are said to be vile and cruel, hearing the voices of their dark patron, they are destined to be servants of the dark lords of hell. Or atleast so goes the stories, and they are the reason many a child has been drowned in fear of what they harm they bring or herald.

Basic Information


Those who are marked by the cursed blood often display anomalous physical features not native to their original species. Such deviation is often characterized by whatever mark the sin belongs to, but typically include horns, tails, even hoofs, and strange skin colors, and in rarer cases facial deformations and claws. Though it should be noted that some sinblood bear little to no physical signs of their curse, and are thus exceedingly hard to tell apart from their parent species.   Though for reasons beyond common understanding, most of those who bear the curse also gain the ability to speak the infernal tongue, seemingly no matter the upbringing, as well as other extrasensory abilities wholly unnatural, with some having an ability to seemingly taste or smell emotional states again often related to the nature of their mark.

Genetics and Reproduction

Those afflicted by the curse have no changes to the reproductive cycle of their parent species, in fact, is not wholly uncommon that their direct children do not display the marks that they themselves do. Another sad reality of this is that the birth of a particularly deformed child can result in difficulties and even fatalities during birth.

Sin Blood Racial Feats

Sinblood, Once a mark has been chosen another cannot be chosen.

Mark of the Malignant King

  You gain the following abilities.   Chosen Child. You gain proficiency in one of the following skills; Persuasion, Intimidation, Insight.   Manifest Glory. Those born of the Malignant King, draw from the fallen heritage of their dark sire, manifesting a pair of blighted wings.   As a bonus action, you form a pair of great wings, giving you a flying speed equal to your movement speed, these wings last for 1 minute. You can use this ability once per long rest.   Overpowering Will. Those born of the corrupted one have his incredible willpower, and the need to bend those around them to their will, but it is more than just that, it is a need they can project unto to others, letting their own desires become that of others.   As an action You can direct the power of your mark unto a target, this effect last for 10 minutes. You can manipulate anyone marked by your ability to either move to a point you please, that wont harm them, drop a piece of equipment, or attack a target within 5 feet of them, generally speaking orders you can bark(think suggestion, talk to your dm, but go nuts have fun), doing so the target must make a charisma saving throw with a DC equal to 12+your proficiency bonus, if they fail they must carry out your order, if they succeed the mark ends and they become immune to it's effects for 24 hours. You can use this ability once per short rest.    

Mark of the Sword Maiden

  You gain the following abilities.   Metal Child. You gain proficiency in one of the following skills; Athletics, Intimidation, Survival.   Iron Wrought. From your flesh jot iron scales, for some jagged protrusions, a small glimpse of your true nature. Your AC increase by 1.   Unburdened By Compassion. A heart that is unmoving cannot be manipulated, a warrior of calm mind cuts cleanest. To some it is a curse of stillness, to be cold even when embraced, to others a boon.   You are immune to feared & charmed. Channeling your mark you embrace your heritage channeling the infernal sword techniques, for a minute you add your profiency bonus to your hit rolls and you crit on hit rolls of 19. You can use this ability once per long rest.    

Mark of the Covetous Empress.

  You gain the following abilities.   Quicksilver tongue. You gain proficiency in one of the following skills; Persuasion, Insight, Deception.   Spells of The Covetous blood. You also learn the spells Enthrall and Detect Thoughts each of which you can cast at will, innately. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for the spells.   Auroma of Desire. A flicker of your tongue and you can practically tell the needs of those around you, and by intensifying your focus even dreams, it's a sense, a taste, a sound that you could never explain to others.   As a bonus action, you focus your senses on a creature gaining the following benefits, you can use this ability an equal amount to your proficiency bonus This benefit lasts for 10 minutes. You can reroll any of the following skill checks:Insight, Persuasion and Deception related to the target. While attuned to a creature's desires you can distract a creature by revealing its inner desires; when the creature would hit a target within 30 feet of you or cast a spell within 30 feet of you, you can as a reaction turn it into a miss or interrupt the spell(meaning it doesnt cost them their spell slot, but the spell isnt cast), ending your connection to the creature. You regain uses of this ability after a long rest.    

Mark of the old Keeper.

  You gain the following abilities.   Dreadful Knowledge. You gain proficiency in one of the following skills; History, Arcane, Nature, and one Artisan tool.   Spells of The Old Blood. You also learn the spells Detect Thoughts and Identify each of which you can cast at will, innately. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for the spells.   Forgotten Soul. Your soul wanders in the endless halls, strangers witness you and forget you just as swiftly, for they you are not truly here, to some it is a maddening curse, to others, a most useful tool.   As a bonus action, you focus to conceal your features from a creature gaining the following benefits, you can use this ability an equal amount to your proficiency bonus This benefit lasts for 10 minutes. Any creature you have focused on will not be able to remember what you looked like after you disappear from their view. Once while this ability is active on a creature you can make a foe lower their guard as they forgot you for just a brief moment; before hitting a creature you can grant yourself advantage. You regain use of this ability after a long rest.    

Mark of the yellow King.

  You gain the following abilities. Dark Vision. your sight was born for dark realm, one you see your in dreams & in haunted visions. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions.You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray   Shadow Child. You gain proficiency in one of the following skills; Sneak, Insight, Deception, and Poisoners kit.   Spells of The Wretched Blood. You also learn the spells Invisibility and Alter Shape each of which you can cast once without expending a spell slot. You regain the ability to cast those two spells in this way when you finish a short rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for the spells.   Shadow Loom. Your Body blends into the darkness, as your flesh and skin reshapes itself to match your true self, that of the looming shadow, in the dark you are all but invisible and you are free.   While in the darkness you have advantage on stealth roles and you can hide in dim light. When you are in dim light or darkness, you can teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space you can see that is also in dim light or darkness a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.  

Mark of the Dread Queen

  You gain the following abilities.   Dread Child. You gain proficiency in one of the following skills; Intimidation, Insight, Medicine.   Spells of The Decayed Blood. You also learn the spells Cause Fear and False Life each of which you can cast at will, innately. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for the spells.   Life Eater. The decrepit taint of your true home has seeped deep into your core, you are walking void of life, and where it flows you take of it, leaving nothing behind.   When a creature within 30 feet of you dies, you can use your reaction to drain of its life essence that comes from its last breath, regaining hit points equal to your level, you can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per long rest.  

Mark of the Slaughterer

  You gain the following abilities.   Blood Child. You gain proficiency in one of the following skills; Athletics, Intimidation, Acrobatics.   Battle Wrought. When bloodied you have +1 to all hit rolls and damage rolls with weapon attacks, and may reduce all incoming damage by 3.   Fueled By Violence. Deny it or not, all those marked by the slaughterer feel it, the song of battle thrills you, it heeds you to join, to indulge in it. Those who can channel that, are the deadliest foe.   At the start of your turn, you can use your bonus action drink in the carnage around you, for each enemy which is within 15 feet of you gain temporary hit equal to your proficiency bonus to a maximum of 25, as part of this bonus action you can make one weapon attack, but when you do so, you enter a berserk state, where you must move & attack the creature closest to you, you may at the end of your turn end this state, but loose the temporary hit points this ability gained you. You can use this ability once per short rest.            

Mark of the Scorn Lord

  You gain the following abilities.   Fire Child. You gain proficiency in one of the following skills; Athletics, Intimidation, History.   Spells of The Hateful Blood. You also learn the spells Searing smite and Infernal Rebuke each of which you can cast once without expending a spell slot. You regain the ability to cast those two spells in this way when you finish a short rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for the spells.   Hate made manifest. It burns in you, hatred, any minor slight makes your blood roar in defiance and those who dare strike you sets your heart aflame. The blood of your sire driving you on to take your just due.   Making an attack roll against a creature that has dealt damage against you or cast a spell that has affected you, you can choose to manifest your hate dealing an additional 1d8 of fire damage with every attack you make against said creature, this ability ends when you attack another creature. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, you regain uses after a long rest.


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