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The Aerofleet

The great Aerofleet, lords f the sky of the sky and heroes of all of Korval , the great fleet isn't really one fleet, but rather many different fleets loosely commandeered by the 3 Grand Admirals, though any of the fleets are rarely ever fully assembled for the sheer cost and logistical burden they would put on a campaign. Instead, each of the Grand admirals entrusts most of their fleets to the lower ranking Admirals who act in much akin to feudal system as his bannermen, and so goes the hierarchy down right until each individual ship. With each of these scattered fragments, sailing the skies often taking partitions upon docking for work, being paid for their work often in supplies and material if not generously in gold.   Some of these fleets sail near endlessly, a constant crusade and journey across the lands, that some of the admirals experience what is called land sickness, a syndrome also experience by those born in the sky and having lived most of their lives in them, experience a strange sense of neausince and unease when on the ground. The sudden quite the lack of the roaring and shaking wind, the stillness of the earth.


A relic of its past the Fleet was once mere military men, but now they stood outside the hierarchy and had to reorganize themselves, it was a slow process but in time the demands of their fleet took them far away from another, meaning that the hierarchy loosened greatly allowing different ranks to act independently of another for extended periods of time, but ultimately being beholden to any orders to convene as the one thing they could never deny a superior officer.   Grand Admiral   Duke Admiral   Earl Admiral   Captain: Captains have the privilege of having a ship by swearing fealty to an Admiral, but a captain isn't bound to the fleet of his Admiral, he is given the heavy charge of taking care of it and by extension the men, who he by all accounts own, the ship is his estate and he is the Bannerman of his lord, sworn to heed his call but also free to pursue his own goals in the sky. He may at his own leisure find contracts throughout the league so long as he heeds the call.   Commander: The righthand man of the ship's captain, not only being schooled to take a ship one day, but also the heavy responsibility of ensuring order on the ship that it may run at peak performance for the captain.   Airmen: Proved sailours of the sky and true members of the aerofleet, this gives them higher pay and certain rights aboard a ship. The rank is further subdivided int the many sub positions needed to run the fleet e.g: quartermaster, smiths, carpenters, gunners, armorer, cook, etc.   Landsmen: Lowest ranking recruit, newly picked up upon a ship.


Perhaps it was only natural that groups outside of the hierarchy of nobles grew to think themselves their equals or even betters, or maybe it was simply that most high-ranking members were already nobles. But the masters of the sky do indeed see themselves as it's one true lord, and a group unbound by the leviathan that is Korval bureaucracy and has little care for it, that is not to say that they see no rank or obedience to hierarchy and legacy, but rather that true noble-born should not be hammered by it.   They see themselves as great pioneers and as the last knights of this age, the chivalry of the sky they call it, the one place where one mans cold nerf can still sway and stay the course of a battle. They're a proud lot and they're damn smug about it too.

Public Agenda

The Aerofleet seeks to protect the people of the Korval League, to sail the skies free of constrain, explore the skies and foreign lands and bring back its wealth to Korval. The fleet is the Hammer of the League its most powerful weapon and it only seeks to be paid what it must to continue its endeavors. Though in truth, there is much that goes into hiring the Aerofleet, as the city capable anchoring for it, supplies to be paid and gold for the fleet to purchase it's own needs when on the move.


With the death of king Korvand, his vast holdings where divided between his sons, who on behest on holy sacrement formed the Union of their father the Korval League.But the one thing which could not be shared was their father's Aerofleet could not be, thus it was outside their sphere of control and even of any other official that could be established. It became an entity outside of their political control yet intrinsical tied to it, for they were born and raised in the League and had served The Conquering king all their live, thus it became an institute within the league that was beholden to none, sailing the skies and answering petitions as wished.

Beholden to none!

Military, Navy Fleet


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