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Vaprai Liniages

Vaprai, vampirism, Vampires, kin killers, night children, they go by many names, but in truth little is known about the exact origins of these creatures is practically unknown leaving plenty of room for speculation. What is known is that at some point in time, 7 great families were cursed by Morkova for some act of perceived treachery when they aided the gods in sealing the mad goddess away.
— Philant the hunter


    The Astragoths are among the oldest of the blood, these bestial creatures are damned even in their purest state, their lineage twisting and turning their bodies into bestial parodies of their former self, they stand among the few of the bloodlines too twisted to mingle amongst their former kin, forever damned to dwell in the wild or isolated places amongst their own. Though this makes them easy prey to track for proficient hunters, one should never underestimate them, Astragoths are exceptionally fast, aggressive, and single-minded in their pursuit, with pure strength no other bloodline can match, they are adept hunters, appearing and disappearing within the great brush, it is rare to catch one in a place where they cannot utilize their surroundings to hide and strike, as such hunters should make sure to surround such quarry lest it tears them apart by one.   Though many of the bloodlines can be counted on to fight one another on occasion, there is deep-seated animosity between the Astragoths and the other major bloodlines, though the exact reason is not known. But they have never been seen to cooperate with any other major groupings or clans.   It has been well documented that the Astragoths do not feed on blood alone, often devouring large chunks of their prey, especially the heart and jugular. In fact, it is believed that Astragoths can sustain themselves on animals for long periods of time, therefore it is advised that a hunter does not provoke a den of Astragoths without being sure they can eliminate the den entirely, lest they provoke their savage anger and hunger.   The Astragoths main weakness is their inability to mingle amongst their original kin, and their size can be utilized for ranged supremacy if it can be pinned down with piked weaponry. Astragoths also possess a unique aversion to fire, use this to corral them if possible.   Though many linages despise the thin-blooded among them, and even worse those who spring of the weak blooded lineages, Astragoths are often found surrounded by them, seemingly allowing them to gather around them, perhaps because they are so close to the beast that dwells within them already do they not fear the thin-blooded and weaker members of their kin, or is it strange compassion born of shared fate?  


The Feliana are deceptive beautiful creatures, seemingly all of their blood gain an unnatural allure, that seems to haze the mortal mind, but they are also the bloodline is struck the hardest by the curses of their kin. They are physically the weakest of the bloodlines, though still leagues stronger than any mortal hunter, and possess cunning greater than any vampire and intelligence that only immortality can train. Any hunter should know that these foul creatures are known to infiltrate high society, manipulating all around them willing or otherwise. Be on the watch for the tell-tale signs of vampiric nobles, pale of skin and rarely seen and never eating at attendings. Unlike the Zaretsky the Feliana cannot hide their true nature, and thus can be tracked with greater ease.   A hunter should exploit that the Felianas curses, know that they are vulnerable in the presence of holy symbols and water, that they cannot enter any threshold without invitation, and if they are pierced through the heart they are immobilized, but most of all, once per week they must return to their resting dirt or casket to rejuvenate their youthful appearance. A good hunter must recognize these patterns to hunt them down and should take care to fight them during daylight, Silver should also be the preferred metal when fighting Feliana, for it is like acid to their blood.     The Feliana are not known to cooperate with the other bloodlines unless they can dominate them, seeing the other bloodlines as beneath them. It is also rare to find thin blood in their ranks, as they take great affront to the dilution of their blood.   For reasons not entirely understood, their bloodline carries sorcerous abilities, irrespective of the individual's former disposition, making even a newly turned Feliana a dangerous opponent, and older ones a true nightmare to face, as they hone their sorcerous powers to bend the blood of others and themselves.  


  The Zaretsky was the youngest of the old blood, the blood in their veins was already thinner than most of the clans. Though this is perhaps their greatest strength, the hardest challenge for a hunter to overcome. For the Zaretsky walk amongst us, completely undetected, unbidden, lurking in our midst, for they are not touched by the curse that plagues the other bloodlines, as they walk in the daylight without suffering, and can even pretend to eat. Thus the Zaretsky is a hunter's worst nightmare, and perhaps the greatest foe one can face, for this very reason.   Zaretsky are well known to possess a strange affliction, they are inexplicably drawn to artistic endeavors, but also known to become aggressive when faced with poor imitations and medicore talent, though difficult, this can be exploited when dealing with the younger of their kin.   Worse still the Zaretsky have the ability to dominate the minds of their former kin, an ability that seemingly strengthens with age, allowing them quickly exert influence in the civilized lands they infiltrate, making puppets out of good honest folk, this is why the Zaretsky must be hunted with extreme prejudice, lest they corrupt all that a hunter holds dear, our families, our lands and our freedom.  


The Magnan are solitary creatures, and therefore easy to hunt, and cannot mingle with their former kin, for the Magnan are more monster than man, their morphology having been altered as winged bipedal bats. Though this has also been the downfall of many a hunter, expecting easy isolated prey, the Magnan are anything but, their wings allow them incredibly burst of speed, and of course flight. The prey a hunter should always remind themselves, is intelligent and they are well aware they will be outnumbered, when hunting a Magnan, you must capture them when they are resting, they will seek shelter from the sun, and god willing it won't permit them full usage of their wings, that is when a hunter strikes.   The bloodline itself has no strong ties to itself, its members living nomadic lifestyles, as such tracking them can prove highly problematic, worse still, they are known to serve other bloodlines if it is to their benefit, earning them the nickname of mercenary bats amongst young recruits. But the real issue is that a Magnan can singlehandedly worsen a vampire infestation rapidly when they join a nest. For the Magnan are perhaps the most bloodthirsty of all the bloodlines, and worse still, even their bite can produce vampiric thralls, making them a top priority.   Once started, they are surprisingly amicably and talkative, eager to socialize when given the opportunity. Distract them and set up your ambush with this in mind if possible. They are known to have a particular aversion to adamantine, searing their flesh, though the reasons are unknown it is recommended to bring multiple adamantine stakes, and slow their healing with them.    


  One of the most elusive clans, the Gal’Ghoral never leave a trace, they appear and disappear as swiftly as they came, taking with them any witnesses. The knowledge of the bloodline is limited to the snippets that remain of ancient hunters; Beasts who go in packs, where other vampires establish petty kingdoms and rivalries with another, the Gal’Ghoral hunt with single-minded determination, always found together, working together, they must be hunted down.   The greatest issue we face, is our lack of knowledge on these strange beasts, but they have been spotted to wield shadowy apparitions, often they will make them appear as former comrades or innocents they have slain, displaying their wickedness to all.    


The Zharrak's are a wholly different beast for any hunter to overcome, and frankly require excellent planning, and many skilled hunters ready to lay down their lives. They are the single strongest bloodline in terms of their potential, seemingly able to master any skill they put themselves at, were it not for the fact that they seemingly cannot produce any other vampires they would surely be the greatest threat for the world of the living. But they are often surrounded by lesser followers, for those that drink their blood gain incredible powers, but become little more than puppets for their master, thankfully, it would seem that there is some sort of limit to this power, they never enslave many individuals at a time, as well as possessing natural connections to necromancy, when a Zharrak makes itself known it does so through fire, arising it hordes and thralled servants.   Hunters must be vigilant of the signs of a Zharrak taking up residence, a clever Zharrak is patient, and thus a true nightmare, pray that it is young. Take good notice of local graveyards and any disturbances in the area, ask locals if local grave keepers and priests are acting out of the ordinary. Local officials must be taken notice of, to see if they have become thralls, arrange meetings in the sun to test if they are turned. Zharraks prefer to nest close to towns with able food, where their feed goes unnoticed.   Thankfully they have a glaring weakness, whether innately or simple arrogance from the great power of their blood, they cannot let a challenge go, as they constantly seek to fight worthy adversaries, to show their superiority in any field, be it even mundane things such as sculpting, or that of more arcane matters.  


The Adana are strange creatures, and one may very well question if they are vampires at all, if not for their own proclamation to belong to this cursed flock. For the Adana can only feed upon the willing, forcing them to adopt more diplomatic measures, often made in Faustian bargains or according to some more benign means. But one should not forget that these creatures are predators, and one should not bargain with such.   Strangely the Adana do not sustain themselves on the blood of others, instead, they feed upon emotions, memories, and experiences of others, taking it for themselves and leaving nothing but empty space in their wake. Thus, to many, the deal may sound simple and strange, but is rarely without dire consequences, for they are in truth stealing our identities. Hunters should be quick to exterminate the Adana, least they gather support amongst locals for their aids, forcing our hands to do the unthinkable, and the beasts are well aware of this, all will leverage it over us. Worst of all they can appear in the rays of the sun and are quick to gather public support to their aid.   The main weakness one should exploit is that the Adana possess an unnatural hatred towards the divine, seemingly drawn to kill any who say aloud holy prayer or utter blessed celestial scripts. Hunters should exploit this to lead it into an unfavorable position, and take it down with all due haste.   The Adana are difficult to kill, their bodies seemingly regenerating despite whatever damage a hunter may put them through, and in truth, we do not yet know a truly efficient method of stopping their regeneration. Therefore there is only one real option when fighting them in the open, bring overwhelming firepower and tools and even magic to limit their movement, expect Adana to be adept wizards more than brute fighters, and worse still their ability to control animals, it is rarely long before wolfs and bats gather around their masters, often grown to outlandish proportions by foul magic. Therefore the Adana often dwell on the fringes of civilization, before they take over, then they bring their cursed thralls and creatures with them, once they have the support of the locals.    

Cursed Blood

Cast from the grace of the Nightshroud, for their betrayal she mauled her children, reaping gifts and sowing curses in their place. Swearing they would never leave her again she took the sun's light from them, she took the love from their children. Forcing them to take the life of their parents, like their parents had torn love from their Night mother. Then she made them drink the blood of those they once cherished, that they would have no choice, but hide in her shroud, hiding from the shame, hiding from the hate of once beloved kin.
— Extract from Under A Red Moon
  All vaprai can never have children, instead, they must spread their curse to others, in order to sire the next generations, each clan and lineage goes about this very differently. But a general rule of thumb is that with each generation, the blood thins, the natural gift they are born with weakens, and the curse becomes stronger until they are reduced to little more than ravenous beasts or mere mortals. Only by drinking the blood of their older generations can the younger hope to escape their wicked fate. Most of their kin are unable to face the sun least they burn beneath its glaring wrath.   The most defining curse of the Vaprai is that they can only sustain themselves on their mortal kin, indeed anything but the blood and in some cases flesh of other humanoids taste akin to ash on their tongue, granting them no reprieve from the grieving hunger they feel. Should they not feast, then they will begin to suffer withdrawals over a periods of weeks, until they enter a feral state, that not all may recover from.  


Those who submit themselves to the Vaprai are known as Supplicants, though the name is perhaps a misnomer depending on one's point of view for mortals who are given the blood of particularly powerful Vaprai during a fel ritual may gain incredible and deadly powers, though such powers varies greatly depending on what blood they were given. These supplicant are dependant, if even addicted to their masters cursed blood, needing a constant supply, making making serve them against their will.

Astragoth - 4th Generation. CR: 12

Large monstrosity, lawful evil
Armor Class: 1
Hit Points: 168
Speed: 50 ft , climb: 40 ft


21 +5


19 +4


18 +4


14 +2


16 +3


15 +2

Saving Throws: Strenght +5, Dexterity +9, Wisdom +7, Charisma +5.
Skills: Perception +7, Nature +6, survival +7, Intimidation +6.
Damage Resistances: Bludgoening, Piercing, Slashing from non magical weapons.
Condition Immunities: Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed and Petrified.
Senses: Passive perception 17, darkvision 120.
Challenge Rating: 12

Fear of Fire. Any creature which the Astragoth witnesses with fire frightens it, creatures with fire have advantage on intimidation checks against it. The Astragoth must succeed a wisdom saving throw of 15 upon witnessing fire, or become frightened by the source of the fire.   Keen Senses. The griffon has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight or smell.   Pounce. If the Astragoth(4th - generation) moves atleast 20 feet in a straight line towards a creature it's next claw attack will deal an additional 4d8 slashing damaging and the target must succeed a a dc 18 stenght saving throw or be knocked prone.   Regeneration. The astragoth(4th - generation) regains 30 hit points at the start of it's turn, this effect is reduced by 20 if it takes either fire or radiant damage until the start of it's next turn.   Legendary Resistance(3/day). If the Astragoth(4th - generation) fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed.


Multiattack: The Astragoth(4th - generation) makes 2 attacks.   Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: 9+ hit, reach 5 ft, Hit: 16(2d10+5) Slashing damage.   Feast. Melee Weapon Attack: 9+ hit, reach 5 ft, One willing creature or a creature that is knocked prone. hit, 12(2d6+5) Piercing damage plus 10(3d6) necrotic damage. The target's maximum hit points is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage, and the Astragoth(4th - generation) regains hit points equal to that amount.   Thunderous Roar. Any creature in a 30 feet Radius of the Astragoth must succeed a constitution save of 18 or become stunned and take 10(3d6) Thunder damage.


Vengeful Blow. When the Astragoth(4 - generation) takes damage from a target within 5 feet, it may immediately make a claw attack against the target, which inflicted the damage.

Legendary Actions

The Astragoth(4th - generation) can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The Astragoth(4th - generation) regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.   Burst of Speed. The Astragoth(4th - generation) moves up to it's speed without provoking opertunity attacks.   Flurry of Claws(Cost 2). The Astragoth(4th - generation) makes a single claw or bite attack with advantage.


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