
The maid working for Lysander (Ravithael ), because Lysander has taste. Plus having what is essentially a Lizardfolk hunter around the house is pretty handy if times get tough.  
As Ravithael's maid, Auskossy is responsible for maintaining the cleanliness and orderliness of Lysander's Manor, ensuring that every surface gleams with perfection and every room is impeccably organized. She performs a wide range of tasks, from dusting and sweeping to cooking and serving meals, all with the utmost efficiency and precision. Despite the challenges of her position, Auskossy approaches her duties with enthusiasm and dedication, grateful for the opportunity to serve her benevolent master. She is also fiercely protective of Lysander and will stop at nothing to ensure his safety and well-being, even if it means putting herself in harm's way.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Auskossy is a female lizardfolk with shimmering green scales that blend seamlessly with the surrounding foliage. She has sharp amber eyes that gleam with intelligence and a slender, agile frame that belies her strength. Despite her reptilian features, Auskossy possesses a certain grace and poise that sets her apart from others of her kind. She dresses in simple, practical attire befitting her role as a maid, often adorned with colorful scarves and jewelry crafted from natural materials.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Auskossy was born and raised in the Evermoors near Silverymoon, where she learned the ways of her people and honed her skills as a hunter and gatherer. Despite the dangers of the wilderness, Auskossy thrived in her natural habitat, using her keen senses and quick reflexes to outwit her prey and evade potential predators. However, her life took a dramatic turn when she encountered Lysander, who offered her a chance to leave her primitive existence behind and serve as a maid in his household. Recognizing the opportunity for a better life, Auskossy accepted the dragon's offer and has since dedicated herself wholeheartedly to her new role.

Personality Characteristics


Auskossy is a diligent and hardworking individual who takes immense pride in her work. Despite her humble position as a maid, she approaches her duties with a sense of dignity and purpose, striving to excel in everything she does. She is fiercely loyal to Lysander, viewing the Water Genasi as a benefactor and protector who has shown kindness to her kind. Auskossy is also deeply empathetic and compassionate, often going out of her way to help others in need, whether they be fellow lizardfolk or members of Ravithael's household.


Current Location
Date of Birth
Year of Birth
1471 DR 25 Years old
The Evermoors
Current Residence
Maid Quarters @ Lysander's Mansion
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6' 8"

Cover image: by IRPGuardian