Lysander's Manor

The home of Lysander. Consisting of two stories and a basement, it's on the larger side of homes in Oakhurst. Only really outscaled by Rochfort Manor and the Count's Keep. It has a modest sized yard around the house, with 10 foot tall stone walls surrounding the property, with an entrance gate at the front, and a small staff door at the rear. It has a modest garden in the front of the house with flower beds, a medium size statue to Tymora, and a large noisy wind chime hanging from a small gazebo.   Entering the Walled Yard
Upon passing the gate, you are greeting to a well manicured yard with the noble's home clearly on display. To the left you see a gazebo with a large windchime hanging underneath. To the right, you see a statue. And on both sides you see flower gardens with some vegtables growing amongst them. There's about 40 feet of pathway leading up to the front door, with the Gazebo and Statue 20 feet in.
Upon Entering the house
As the butler opens the door, you are able to see a finely decorated entrance, with ornate wood paneling, and stone tiled floors. There is an elegant staircase with carpeted steps leading up to the second floor, where you can see a small candelier above you. The room has a cloak room off to the side, where the butler is standing (should you have any coats or cloaks). There is a hallway to the left, and a set of open double doors directly in front of you, which appears to lead into a dining room with several chairs around it.
House, Large
Parent Location
Characters in Location

Cover image: by IRPGuardian