
A half-dragon was a cross between a dragon and another unrelated creature. Typically, their draconic lineage is used for identification rather than their non-dragon one.


A half-dragon had the ability to use the breath weapon of its dragon half, though it was not as potent and could not be used as frequently. Half-dragons had low-light vision and darkvision. They also had tinted skin or scales that were of the same color as their dragon parent and helped protect from physical attacks.
All half-dragons were immune to sleep and paralysis effects. They also had an additional immunity based of which dragon type they were related to.


Most half dragons are born as such from having a parent that was a dragon, and one of something else. However, there has been recorded instances of people being transformed into Dragonborn or half-dragons as a high blessing from a suitably powerful dragon.
Also, there has been very rare cases in which being in close proximity to a dragon's lair while the mother was pregnant with child, for the child to develop dragon-like tendencies, or even become a half-dragon.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Typically double of their non-draconic lineage, so humans could be ~150
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Half dragons inherit the coloring of their draconic lineage

Cover image: by IRPGuardian