Livi's Journal

Physical Description

Triandal has taken great care in re-assembling this journal kept by Livi, with ripped and torn pages re-assembled. Mostly readable if one spends time reading it.


Livi's journal of his quick incursion at Stormwreck Isle.

1 Kythorn, 1496: Today I head to the small island off the coast of Neverwinter. I've heard tales of Dragons being drawn to the island for some reason, and I'm going to investigate why that may be.
3 Kythorn: I've made it to the island after stowing away on a small ship that was heading to Stormwreck. Another ship comes here on the 17th, so I need to be back by then. They took a longboat to the small village there, but I dived into the water in the early morning to avoid suspiction from any observers. Lucky for me, the basalt coast made it easy for me to get back on land. I set up my camp west, on the opposite side of the bay so the locals don't see my campfire at night.
4 Kythorn: I'm going to start my exploration of the island, while trying to avoid the locals. I've noticed a group of kobolds in the village across the bay, so I'll leave the camp once the sun is out since kobolds don't do much out in the sun.
5 Kythorn: I've been able to circumnavigate most of the west side of the island. Other than a few bays I had to walk around, minor volcanic activity, and a cave that had a strong stench of smoke coming out of it, there wasn't much in the way of anything "interesting." I'm going to set up camp near the tip of this peninsula, and continue east tomorrow.
6 Kython: Continuing along the coast, I've come across what appears to be ruins. However, while I was observing it before getting closer, was a blue wyrmling flying around one of it's towers. My approach to here is going to be complicated, and I'll have to stay hidden to see when I can best approach quietly.
8 Kythorn: While observing the ruins, I noticed something else. A Bronze wyrmling flew overhead of me, circled over the ruins, then flew back towards the small village. This island does have a lot of dragons here. That night, I also noticed about a half-dozen kobolds carrying in large rocks. They had to climb down the shore, then climb up the base of the ruins to get in. I guess that's what I'll have to do myself.
10 Kythorn: I've managed to sneak into the smallest tower of the ruins after the kobolds vanished into the larger building. Unfortunatly for me, the doorway points directly into the large ruins, so I'll have to be very quiet while I'm here, lest the kobolds hear or see me over here. There is a small basement where I'm putting my stuff so I can at least rest out of sight.
11 Kythorn: Slowly picking through all the items in this tower has been exhausting. The kobolds have been noisly working on something in the other building, where I can occationally hear what I assume to be the dragon barking orders at them. Something about a ritual that is coming up next month, and a star. If they ever move out of that room, I could finally explore the upper part of this tower. I've seen something glowing up there when I was laying up looking at it last night.
12 Kythorn: Another boring day. I see a journal on the floor down here with all the other ruined books, but it's situated in such a position where I absolutely can't grab it without alerting the kobolds. Looks like some sort of locked journal. Well, if I come back I know where to find it.
13 Kythorn: I've finally got it. During the early morning, a swarm of stirges came into the large ruins and the kobolds all started throwing their stones at them. While they were distracted, I was able to climb up and quickly grab anything that looked important, including that glowing book. Next chance I get, I'm leaving these ruins and heading back to my original camp.
15 Kythorn: I was able to leave yesterday after the sun came up. It was strangely quiet that morning, so I quickly left and headed back west. I did notice some type of golden device in the large ruins, but there was also some rough rocky cairns(?) put around it. I then spent the rest of the day retracing my steps west along the coast. Finally tonight I'm back at my old camp. This gives me a short time to investigate my items that I grabbed while at those ruins, but I'm pretty sure that place will warrant a second visit. Without the kobolds and dragons around this time though.
16 Kythorn: The glowing book that I grabbed gives me dread when I hold it in my hands, like it's something I know I'm not supposed to have. It also looks like the runes on it begin to glow brighter when I go to open it, so I'm tying it up and stuffing it away until I work up the nerve to do so. Otherwise, I found what looks to be an old signet ring which I could probably sell to pay for this month's bills, a bottle of very fine wine (I'll celebrate when I get back), and a moonstone prism thing with a dragon's head carved on an end.
17 Kythorn: I'm in Neverwinter now. Getting on that boat was pretty tricky, but like that old Rogue once told me, "Act like you belong there and nobody will question what you're doing." I was thinking of showing this book directly to Alfric, but I decided against it. "Go out and make waves," he said, "Just make sure to write it down." I'll tell him once I learn myself. He'll be so proud! Once I get back to Luskan, I'll write to Rhistel, Alys and Triandal about the ruins on Stormwreck. It'll be just like our apprenticeship when Alfric had us "investigate" the Mage Academy basement.
18 Kythorn: Passing through Deerborne towards Luskan, but going to spend the night at the Salty Stag. I did notice the temple there got a new acolyte. That little kobold running around at night trimming grass was a funny sight. I also caught a glimpse of that pretty cleric that works there too. Maybe I'll stay here another day...
20 Kythorn: I've sent the letters off to everyone. Hopefully they get them soon. On further thought though, I should have put where and when we could all meet. Oh well. I guess the next boat to Stormwreck next month will be as fine as any day. In the meantime, I have important work to do learning about this island. Shame Luskan doesn't have a fancy library like Neverwinter. Tonight, I celebrate! But this book... it still scares me.
21 Kythorn: While I was out trying to find a buyer for the ring, I managed to bump into Gineca. Knowing the how she operates though, it was probably no accident. I told her a bit of my trip, and how I was able to sneak around without being noticed. It almost looked like a smile from under that hood of hers. I wanted to thank her for the tricks she told me about moving around quietly, but as soon as she appeared, she vanished again. The strangest dragonborn I've ever met, but being Luskan, not out of place.

Pages for 22-27 Kythorn have been destroyed beyond repair
28 Kythorn: Well, the plan for today is to finally get that book open. The runes on it are defintely some type of protection spell. I just hope this scroll of dispel magic I bought yesterday with the ring money works.


Catalogs Livi's last trip to Stormwreck Isle, and his findings.
Item type
Book / Document
Creation Date
1 Kythorn, 1496
Destruction Date
28 Kythorn, 1496
Current Holder

Cover image: by IRPGuardian