Zazozysrath (Zah-zoe-zes-wrath)

Eternal Guardian of the Hoard Zazozysrath


Zazozysrath is a peculiarity in a world filled with constants. "An honorable Red Dragon?" people ask, "Just what is she up to?" Nobody knows what her true angle is. But for her, it's very simple. She knows being an "evil red dragon" will just lead her down a path where a plucky troop of heroes will eventually come knocking at her door to collect. After all, dragons are sadly, still mortal beings.
Zazozysrath is a dragon with a plan. Many dragons have plans, it's really part of the job of being such a long-lived species. Where most dragons fail though is they are too prideful and set in their dragony ways. For Zazozysrath however, pragmatism is the foundation of her longevity. She makes friends instead of enemies. A small investment in the people around her pays dividends, and she's been getting that interest for several hundred years now.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

While still a red dragon, she has several identifying marks that are easily recognizeable. She has gold ring marks around her legs and arms and gold tips to her wings. Much like a pirate ship, it's all about the branding when it comes to her appearance. After all, she put them there to differentiate herself from her contemporaries.

Mental characteristics


Zazozysrath, unlike most dragons, has had a portion of her lifetime dedicated towards formal eductaion. With such a long lifespan, she had decided early on to verse herself with the educated and learn more about the world that she lives in. Becoming very interested in history and the arcane, many of her teachers were leaders in their fields of study.
Of course, once she established Heroes for Hire, those same teachers she had, were now on company payroll. So if there's a skill she doesn't have, there's at least somebody on the payroll whose an expert.


After gathering a small hoard for herself in her youth, one of Zazozysrath's first "jobs" was to hire a group of mercenaries. She wanted them to recover an artifact that she wanted for her hoard. Realizing she could make better use of her hoard to build wealth, one of her first enterprises was to begin the development of her Lair into a place that would make money for her, instead of adventueres trying to steal it from her.
Then once she finally had the capital to make it happen, she then created Heroes For Hire mostly as a new way for her get cash flow without having to personally get her hands "dirty." And having been the founder and CEO for several centuries at this point, business has been booming.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Her accomplishments are vast and numerous, from her original hoard building to her resort/lair, to the creation of Heroes for Hire itself. All the goals she has set for herself she has succeeded at. Originally goaded by her parents to build her wealth, it was the sage advice given by her grandfather and family friend Argentia that ultimately guided her on the path that she follows now.

Failures & Embarrassments

One of her greatest failures was her inability to stop her mother from rampaging the towns on the Sword Coast. Her death left a lasting impact on how she conducted herself to others, causing her to rethink her draconic ways. It was then at this time she decided to create Heroes For Hire to help improve the reputation of Chromatic (well, red at least) dragons, and incidently end up becoming her main method of revenue.

Morality & Philosophy

After spending a great deal of time with her "auntie" Argentia, she has decided that she must choose words over violence when dealing with other dragons. One of the ancient stories told by Argentia talks about a time when a chromatic and metallic dragon worked together to fight off a common enemy. While Zazozysrath is prone to her draconic greed, she does now actively prevent herself from wanting to attack other dragons. She hopes for the age to return where dragons dominate the lands, and secure themselves as the "top of the food chain."
Also because of her draconic pride, she ultimatley hates all elves for having originally created the Dracorage Mythal and creating the Rage of Dragons. And while not openly hostile to them, she is willing to exploit them for her own gain.


She will not directly fight another dragon, instead taking punches while attempting to parlay them. That they need to focus the wrath they have on much more constructive endeavors. Heavily influenced by the dragon game of Xorvintaal, she finds it much more personally rewarding to win through subterfuge instead.

Personality Characteristics


Gather vast ammounts of wealth


For a red dragon, she is exceptionally well cared for. The typical smells associated with "dragon's breath" simply don't exist around her. Each scale meticulously cared for, each claw sharpened and clean. Her horns are also filed and neatly kept.



Typically when Zazozysrath is addressing somebody formally, she is sitting prim and poised. Usually using her status as a huge dragon to subtly intimidate those sitting before her. Every movement is calculated as with every response and thing that she does.


She speaks very calmly and collected. Her words are carefully chosed before they are spoken with every syllable having its tone specifically decided.
Of course in true dragon fashion, she is also very arrogant when speaking to non-dragons about nearly all topics. "They just wouldn't understand how it is, after all," a common side remark spoken loudly to other dragons and her closest advisors.




Towards Runara




Towards Zazozysrath



Champion (Vital)

Towards Zazozysrath




Master (Vital)

Towards Onixia




Grandfather (Important)

Towards Zazozysrath




Granddaughter (Important)

Towards Rhezzok



Wealth & Financial state

While she has the vast sums of gold that most dragons her age do, more of it is tied up in investments. Most of it being in Heroes For Hire.
Lawful Pragmatic (Evil)
Current Status
Makin' Money
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Boss
Date of Birth
20 Eleasias 745
Year of Birth
745 DR 751 Years old
Current Residence
Zazozysrath's Lair
Well maintained and primm
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Red, with gold marks on legs/arms
~8000 lbs
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
She knows Common, Draconic (of course), Undercommon, and can understand but not speak elvish.

Cover image: by IRPGuardian
Character Portrait image: by Dall-e