Gadgets for Guards Conference

The Gadgets for Guards Conference was held at the Emeral Convention Centre with the intention of showing off the latest tech and techniques for the modern guard of The Great City of Laststar. It was scheduled to take place over a 2 week period with the main draw being the newest tech out of the labs of Erzenstadt and a mysterious but much anticipated announcement by the events organiser.

On the second to last day of the conference the unthinkable happened. A massive explosion tore through the convention centre brutally killing and maiming a large number of the attendees. Some survivors remember the explosion happened shortly after the attendees were invited to come to the main stage for a big announcement. In the days following the explosion it became clear to investigators that this was a deliberate attack but the motive was unclear. A number of corpses including that of a dog were discovered in the dumpsters out the back of the convention centre leading the investigators to believe that the bombers had infiltrated the Gadgets for Guards Conference staff and attendees. The event organiser, Galvanus Circuiton, disappeared following the explosion. It is believed that he went into hiding out of shame for allowing his guests to be brutally killed and maimed.