Gungnir Tousen

Gungnir Tousen, also known as Captain Gungnir, is a Tortle, a turtle-like race that is somewhat uncommon in The Great City of Laststar. He was born and raised in a small Tortle enclave located on the coast of Idokodo. From a young age, Gungnir was fascinated by the stories of pirates and Lake Ejule.   As he grew older, Gungnir's desire to become a pirate grew stronger, and he eventually left his village to seek out adventure. He quickly proved himself to be a skilled sailor and a fierce warrior, eventually earning the respect and loyalty of a crew of like-minded individuals.   Gungnir's crew became one of the most feared and respected pirate crews on the seas, known for their daring raids and their skill in battle. They gained a reputation for being ruthless, but also fair and just to those who did not oppose them.   Gungnir's crew eventually established itself in Turtuga, using it as their base of operations. Under his leadership, the town became a haven for pirates and outcasts. Gungnir himself is known for his strategic mind, his fierce loyalty to his crew, and his unyielding determination to achieve his goals.   His crew is one of the most powerful and respected in Turtuga and his name is one that is feared by many sailors and merchants who sail the Lake Ejule.