The Dragon Turtle

The Dragon Turtle is the largest and most popular tavern in Turtuga. It is a favourite among the town's pirates and sailors. The tavern is located in the heart of the suburb, and it is known for its loud music, strong drinks and the constant chatter of patrons.   The taverns roof is said to be the real shell of a long dead dragon turtle. The walls are adorned with the flags and banners of various pirate crews, and it is not uncommon to see patrons drinking and dancing on the tables.   The Dragon Turtle is famous for its rowdy and wild atmosphere, and bar brawls often erupt here. Patrons always seem eager to leap into fray and contribute to the large scale mutual combat. Despite this, the tavern is also known for its lively and festive atmosphere, and many patrons come here to enjoy the music, drink, and camaraderie.   One of the tavern's most frequent patrons is none other than Captain Gungnir Tousen, the leader of the powerful crew of The Silver Drake. He is known to spend most of his time here, drinking and socializing with his crew and other sailors. He also uses this tavern as a place to recruit new crew members and gather information about the latest happenings on Lake Ejule.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant