Grey Company Unlocks

Unlocks are skills or abilities that your characters may now learn thanks to past adventures and exposure to new things. The following is the "great big list" of unlocks during The Grey Company Story.


Standard Skills

They cost 3XP for a base Skill Roll of 9 + (STAT/5) or less; +1 to the roll for +2 CP.
  • Deduction
  • Navigation (Land)
  • Riding
  • Streetwise
  • Shadowing
  • Swimming
  • Survival
  • Tactics
  • Toughness
  • Tracking


1xp for Basic, 2xp for Fluent, 3xp for Completely Fluent with an accent, or 4 xp to have full native fluency without an accent, +1 for literacy, +1 for the ability to Imitate other dialects
  • Literacy: Reikspiel
  • Literacy: Tilean
  • Language: Company Battle Tounge
  • Language: Silent Signing

Area Knowledges

2 CP for an 11- roll, or 3 CP for 9 + (INT/5 +1 to roll per +1 CP
  • AK: Köhlen
  • AK: Odisheim
  • AK: Osthafen Docks
  • AK: The Principalty of Salzenmund
  • AK: The Silver Hills
  • AK: Steinhaffen Docks
  • AK: Under Salzenmund

Knowledge Skills

2 CP for an 11- roll, or 3 CP for 9 + (INT/5 +1 to roll per +1 CP
  • KS: Cult of Morr
  • KS: Flora & Fauna of Nordland
  • KS: Grey Company History
  • KS: Nordland Trade
  • KS: Otherly (8- only)
  • KS: Resources of Nordland

Professional Skills

2 CP for an 11- roll, or 3 CP for 9 + (INT/5 +1 to roll per +1 CP
  • PS: Alehouse Owner
  • PS: Brewer

Skill Enhancers

  • Skill Enchancer: Scholar [Cost: 3XP]

Fringe Benefits

  • Fringe Benefit, perk - Corporal's Rank [Cost: 1XP]
    +1 DTL per session
  • Fringe Benefit, perk - Serjants' Rank [Cost: 10XP]
    +3 DTL per session
  • Fringe Benefit, perk - Quartermaster's Assistant [Cost: 2XP]
  • Fringe Benefit, perk - Doktor's Assistant [Cost: 1XP]
  • Fringe Benefit, perk - Chroniclers' Assistant [Cost: 1XP]
  • Fringe Benefit, perk - Company Scout [Cost: 1XP]

Ritual Unlocks

  • Create Familar Ritual
  • Create Staff

Contact Unlocks

  • At this time any Contacts marked available are.

Perks & Talents Unlocks

Ruckus in the Reikland


The Grey Company

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