Perks & Talents

Players will find a selection of Warhammer-inspired "Talents".  
Prerequisites are noted when present.


Deep Company

Psychological Complication - "Deep Company Loyalty", Common situation, Strong commitment   A term used within The Grey Company for someone who would follow The Colonnello into Hell it's self. [15 XP]    

Available Talents

You may purchase any of these abilities when you have enough experience.    

A Love of Ale

A Love of Ale - +5 Skill levels in Consume Alcohol   END COST - 0   Without a doubt, your love of ale is greater than most. Many can claim that they have a stomach for ale, but none can match your endurance! [Cost 3 XP]    

Abnormally X

Abnormally Strong/Nimble/Healthy/Smart/Wise/Likeable/Stable - Custom Power (25 Active Points)   END COST - 0   Due to some quirk of your ancestry, your Characteristic Maxima for one of the seven based Characteristics is increased to 25 [Cost 25 XP]    

Beneath Notice

Beneath Notice - Invisibility to Sight Group (20 Active Points) ; Limited to appropriate situations Power loses about half of its effectiveness (-1), Only When Not Attacking (-1/2), Costs END To Maintain (Full END Cost; -1/2), Perceivable (-1/4)   END COST - 2   The high and mighty pay no attention to your presence, knowing you are well beneath their notice. Assuming you are properly attired and not in an incongruous position, those of a higher social tier will normally ignore you unless your presence becomes inappropriate. [Cost 6 XP]    

Born to the Weapon

Born to the Weapon - Custom Power (5 Active Points)   END COST - 0   You have trained sufficently with your type of weapon (bow/crossbow/polearm/greatsword/etc) that your Strength is considered 5 points higher for the STR MIN of a weapon. [Cost 3 XP]      

Break the Line

Break the Line - (Total: 45 Active Cost, 11 Real Cost) Charge: Running +12m (28m total), Combat Acceleration/Deceleration (+1/4) (15 Active Points Limited to Move By and Move Throughs Power loses about two-thirds of its effectiveness (-1 1/2), Increased Endurance Cost (x3 END; -1), Turn Mode (-1/4), Required to move at least 6M Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (-1/4) (Real Cost: 4) plus Head Down, Elbows In Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% (30 Active Points Limited to Move By and Move Throughs Power loses about two-thirds of its effectiveness (-1 1/2), Increased Endurance Cost (x3 END; -1), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4), Required to move at least 6M Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (-1/4) (Real Cost: 7)   END COST - 12   When a shieldwall needs to be broken, they call upon you. You can sprint to a great speed when preparing to crash into or through a foe. [Cost 11 XP]      


Carouser - +3 Skill levels in; Charm, Consume Alchohol, and Gambling   END COST - 0   You are a well-known "Life of the party", sometimes to excess. [Cost 9 XP]  


Catfall - +3 with any Acrobatics, Breakfall, and Climbing (9 Active Points Limited Power Power loses almost all of its effectiveness (-2)   END COST - 0   You are nimble and balanced like a cat and can fall much greater distances unharmed than others might. [Cost 3 XP]    

College Trained

College Trained - +3 with; AK: Places of Arcane Power, KS: Lingua Praestantia, and KS: Winds of Magic (9 Active Points Limited Power Power loses almost all of its effectiveness (-2)   END COST - 0   You have spent considerable time training at a formal College of Magic. Your skills reflect this commitment. [Cost 9 XP]    

Combat Master

Combat Master- Defense Maneuver I-II (No attacker is considered to be attacking “from behind.” and Eliminates Multiple Attackers Bonuses for attackers the character perceives).   END COST - 0   Your accumulated years of combat experience allow you to keep lesser fighters at bay. [Cost 5 XP]    


Counterpunch- Hand-To-Hand Attack +3d6, Trigger (Activating the Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action, Trigger requires a Turn or more to reset, Trigger can expire (it has a time limit +1/4) (19 Active Points Increased Endurance Cost (x3 END; -1), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/4)   END COST - 6   You declare ‘The best defense is a good offense’ at the beginning of the combat. You can then respond to an incoming melee attack with a lightning-fast punch or kick of your own, once a turn. This attack occurs before your opponents. [Cost 8 XP]    

Crack the Whip

Crack the Whip- Flight 3m, x4 Noncombat (8 Active Points OAF (-1), Requires A Roll (Skill roll; Burnout; -1/2)   END COST - 0   You know how to get the most out of your animals or cart. An animal or cart you control can "jump" over a 3m gap in combat, or up to 12m outside of combat with a successful Combat Piloting or Riding Skill Roll. Failure on the roll means that while you made the jump, you broke the axle on your cart or turned your mount lame. [Cost 3 XP]    

Danger while Bound

Danger while Bound - +5 Skill Levels to Contortionist rolls, and the Double Jointed Talent.   END COST - 0   You are unusually good at escaping restraints and climbing through small places. [Cost 14 XP]    

Deadeye Shot

Deadeye Shot - +4 to offset a calledshot with any one of the following groups; Bows, Crossbows, Pistols   END COST - 0   You always hit an opponent right between the eyes… or wherever else you intended to hit. [Cost 8 XP]    

Destroy the Joint

Destroy the Joint - Killing Attack - Hand-To-Hand 4d6 (60 Active Points Increased Endurance Cost (x5 END; -2), Limited Power: Only while unarmed Power loses almost all of its effectiveness (-2), Limited Power: must be used on a knee or elbow Power loses about half of its effectiveness (-1), No Knockback (-1/4), -1 Decreased STUN Multiplier (-1/4)   END COST - 30   When you engage in unarmed combat you've learned how to efficently break knees and elbows. It's one way to end someones' desire to fight. Damage done to a limb this way can destroy the limb, but it will not kill the target. [Cost 9 XP]      


Drilled - +15 EGO (15 Active Points Only for resolving Presence Attacks against you Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2)   END COST - 0   You have drilled in the ways of combat and are less likely to lose hope, in addition to being immune to the Psychological effects of Blackpowder. [Cost 10 XP]  


Evasive - Desolidification (affected by any Area-affecting attack), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½) (60 Active Points Only To Protect Against Attacks (-½), Character Must Abort To Use (-1), Instant (-½), Requires A Breakfall Roll (-1 per 20 Active Points; -¼).   END COST - 0   The character has a special knack for dodging blows, deadly traps, and sometimes even spells at the last second. In game terms, this Talent functions as a Desolidification that only serves to protect the character from damage — and only when he Aborts and makes a Required Skill Roll. The special effect is that the character ducks, dodges, or otherwise avoids the attack. If that’s not possible (as with area-affecting attacks), this Talent won’t work. [Cost 18 XP]    

Fast Shot

Fast Shot - Trigger, Limited to loaded and ready ranged attacks when not surprised, Increased Endruance x5, Side effect: looses first segment of combat.   END COST - 10   If you have a loaded ranged weapon and are not surprised, you fire it outside the normal Initiative Order before any other combatant reacts in the following Round. You roll to hit using modifiers as if they are surprised. Employing Fast Shot replaces your next segment, and will count as having been spent when your next segment arrives. If two or more characters use Fast Shot, the character with the higher Fast Draw roll goes first. Ties result in simultaneous actions. [Cost 10 XP]      

Fleet of Foot

Fleet of Foot - Running +4m (16m total), x4 Noncombat   END COST - 1   You gain additional speed to your running. [Cost 9 XP]    

Gamblers Luck

Gamblers Luck - Luck 5d6 (25 Active Points Limited Power Power loses about half of its effectiveness (-1)   END COST - 0   While you are playing in a game of chance, you may roll your luck and add that to a relevant skill. [Cost 12 XP]    

Gloves are off'

Gloves are off' - +1 SPD (10 Active Points Limited Power: Can only be used in unarmed combat (-1)   END COST - 0   When it comes to throwing fists, knees, elbows and headbutts you speed up a bit. As soon as you try to use a weapon, you slow back down. [Cost 5 XP]    

Greased Palms

Greased Palms - +5 Skill levels in Bribery   END COST - 0   You are an exceedingly skilled briber. [Cost 3 XP]    


Gunner - +3 with Skill Levels in; Engineering, Fast Draw, and Consume Alcohol (9 Active Points) ; You must have the skill to use this power Power loses almost all of its effectiveness (-2)   END COST - 0   You have studied gunnery amongst soldiers, and you are good. [Cost 9 XP]    

Imperial Army Protective Association

Imperial Army Protective Association - +10 with interactions with Imperial Army Officers (20 Active Points Limited Power Power loses about half of its effectiveness (-1)   END COST - 0   Prerequisites - Prior service in the Imperial Army.   The Imperial Army Protective Association is a tradition that extends throughout The Empire. As a former member of the Imperial Army you are given preferential treatment by Army Officers. [Cost 10 XP]    

I'll Fight all you Bastards

I'll Fight all you Bastards - Mind Control 6d6, Area Of Effect (2m Radius; +1/4), Selective (+1/4) (45 Active Points Target must speak the Language being spoken Power loses about half of its effectiveness (-1), Costs END To Maintain (Full END Cost; -1/2), Incantations (Requires Incantations throughout; -1/2), Gestures, Requires Gestures throughout (-1/2), Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/2)   END COST - 8   When already in combat, if you share a language you are able to goad all but the most drilled oponenets into attacking you. This is not a subtle method, and requires such a constant stream of insults or expletives that you are limited on communication with others. [Cost 9 XP]    

Iron Jaw

Iron Jaw - +20 CON (20 Active Points Only for determining "STUNNING" Power loses about a third of its effectiveness (-1/2), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4)   END COST - 2   You are sturdy and can take more abuse than average before becoming stunned. [Cost 11 XP]    

Master Climber

Master Climber - Clinging (normal STR) (10 Active Points) ; Costs Endurance (-1/2)   END COST - 1   You gain the ability to climb all but magical walls with your skills. As per Clinging pg 55. [Cost 9 XP]    

Mercenary Combat Training

Mercenary Combat Training - Martial Arts Manuevers; Defensive Strike, Martial Disarm, Martial Strike, Passing Strike, any two from WF: Swords & Daggers, WF: Polearms, or WF: Bows   END COST - 1   You have completed an advanced level of training with a Mercenary company. [Cost 20 XP]    

Mobile Defense

Mobile Defense - Physical Damage Reduction, 50% (20 Active Points Costs Endurance (-1/2), Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/2), Conditional Power requires you to move at least 4M every Phase, Limited to Melee attacks   END COST - 1   You have completed an advanced level of training with a Mercenary company. [Cost 20 XP]    

Mutilate the Bodies

Mutilate the Bodies - Aid END 1d6, Trigger (Activating the Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action, Trigger resets automatically, immediately after it activates, Character does not control activation of personal Trigger; +1/2), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (12 Active Points Limited Power Power loses about half of its effectiveness (-1), Requires a Sanity Roll (Skill roll; -1/2), On a failed roll you loose 1 Sanity, Side Effect occurs automatically whenever Power is used (Side Effect does a predefined amount of damage; -0) END COST - 0   Something deep within you is awoken when you defeat a foe in combat. If you mutilate the body of a fallen enemy you feel a surge of energy return to as you regain 5 to 30 Endurance. Should you dwell on the idea too much, your Sanity will be reduced. [Cost 5 XP]      

Naturally Charismatic

Naturally Charismatic - +5 with the skills ; Charm, Conversation, and Persuasion   END COST - 0   You have a personality that people find likable. Even total strangers normally find you agreeable. [Cost 15 XP]    

Night Sight

Night Sight - Detect: Night Sight (15 Points) ; 3 Meters, Very Common Condition (-2)   END COST - 0   Your eyesight is keener than most when you have even just a little light to work with. With Starlight/Moonlight or Distant City light or similar situations, you can see (poorly) 3 meters away. [Cost 10 XP]    

Pitmistress's Training

Pitmistress's Training - Martial Arts Manuevers; Choke Hold, Martial Disarm, Martial Escape, Sacrifice Throw, any three from WF: Swords & Daggers, WF: Axes, or WF: Flails, WF: Hammers & Maces   END COST - 0   You have completed Gladiator training under the watchful eye of the Pitmistress herself. [Cost 18 XP]    

Tactical Movement

Tactical Movement - (Running +6m), Usable By Other (+0), Recipient must be within Limited Range of the Grantor for power to be granted, Grantor can only grant the power to others (6 Active Points) ; Perceivable (-1/4)   END COST - 2   By yelling encouragement, you can help your allies move around the field while you engage the enemy. [Cost 5XP]    

The ole' One & Two

The ole' One & Two - (Rapid Attack (10 Active Points) ; Limited to two attacks, one with each arm. Power loses about half of its effectiveness (-1)   END COST - 0   You've mastered the ability to attack with two weapons at once. [Cost 5 XP]    

Tilean Message

Tilean Message - Drain vs BODY 3d6, Constant (+1/2) (45 Active Points OAF - Knife or Dagger (-1), Concentration (0 DCV; -1/2), No Range (-1/2)   END COST - 4   The ability to drive a bladed weapon into an unsuspecting persons body, while keeping them silent is of limited use in day to day life. However, it is a talent employed by more than one cutpurse or assasin. [Cost 15 XP]    

Rapid Archery

Rapid Archery - Autofire (3 shots; +¼) for up to RKA 4d6 (15 Active Points OIF (bow and arrows of opportunity; -½), Requires An Archery Tricks Roll (-½). Total cost: 7 points.   END COST - 0   This Talent allows a character to fire arrows much more quickly than normal — up to three per Phase, instead of one — if he succeeds with an Archery Tricks roll. [Cost 7 XP]    

Rapid Reload

Rapid Reload - +5 for Fast Draw (10 Active Points) ; You must have the skill to use this power Power loses almost all of its effectiveness (-2)   END COST - 0   You have drilled reloading at speed with all of the ranged weapons that you have familiarity with. [Cost 10 XP]    


Repositioning - Teleportation 2m, x2 Increased Mass, Usable As Attack (+1), Grantor pays the END whenever the power is used (14 Active Points Limited Power Power loses almost all of its effectiveness; usable on people of +/-20% Mass (-2)   END COST - 1   During the confusion of combat you can move one enemy a couple of meters from where they started. [Cost 5 XP]    

Resistance to the Winds

Resistance to the Winds - Power Defense (5 points) (5 Active Points You may never learn Magic (-2)   END COST - 0   You gain some magical resistance by rejecting all attempts to study Magic. [Cost 2 XP]  

Ring the Bell

Ring the Bell - Hearing Group Flash 4d6 (12 Active Points No Range (-1/2), Limited to those with ears (-1/4)   END COST - 1   You have learned the dirty trick of hitting someone in the ear not to focus on damage, but to cause deafness and distraction. [Cost 7 xp]      


Safecracker -
+5 with Security Systems Rolls (10 Active Points Limited Power Power loses almost all of its effectiveness (-2)   END COST - 1   You have spent a considerable amount of time working out how to open many different types of locks. [Cost 7 xp]      


Salzenmunders -
+3 Skill levels with AK: Salzenmund, KS: Resources of Nordland, and AK: The Silver Hills   END COST - 0   You've spent enough time in Salzenmund to know a few things, and you could pass as a local if you are are not. [Cost 9 xp]    

Second Sight

Second Sight - Second Sight is a Discriminatory Sense vs "Magic" with no range. You may purchase enhancers such as: Analyze +5 XP, Targeting +10 XP, or Range +5xp   END COST - 0   Second Sight is required to perceive or cast Magic. [Cost 10 xp]    


Sharpshooter -
Removes Target Size considerations from pg 147   END COST - 0   You can make aimed shots of exceptional accuracy. You ignore any negative Difficulty modifiers to Ranged Tests due to the size of your target, provided you can see it. [Cost 4 XP]    

Skim off the Top

Skim off the Top - You gain an additional H.A.P. each session   END COST - 0   You are skilled at skimming money from your employers without being detected. [Cost 10 XP]    

Social Climber

Social Climber - +3 with any three pre-defined Skills ; Acting, High Society, Persuasion   END COST - 0   Some people are more comfortable on the top of society. You wish to be one of those people. [Cost 9 XP]    

Sweep the Leg, No MERCY

Sweep the Leg, No MERCY - (½ Phase; +5 OCV; -1 DCV; STR +1d6 Strike, Target Falls, +4 PSL Mod to offset Hit Location) Allows a character to knock an opponent’s legs out from under him, dashing him painfully to the ground.   END COST - 0   You learned how to fight from the toughest there are. When you sweep the leg you have NO MERCY! [Cost 10 XP]    

Sucker Punch to the Gut

Sucker Punch to the Gut (Total: 28 Active Cost, 13 Real Cost) <i>Sucker Punch:</i> Hand-To-Hand Attack +4d6 (20 Active Points Increased Endurance Cost (x6 END; -2 1/2), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/4) (Real Cost: 5) plus Sucker Punch: +8 to offset a specific negative OCV modifier with any single attack (Real Cost: 8) END COST - 12   You know when the local constables say "He fell" when asked why the prisoner is ruffed up? [Cost 13 XP]    

"You're dead now"

"You're dead now" - Hand Killing Attack 1 point (1/2d6 w/STR), Triggered when a foe before you appears dead during or after a battle. (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger resets automatically, immediately after it activates; +1) (10 Active Points)   END COST - 1   While moving during a battle you instinctively stab at the fallen bodies of foes. [Cost 10 XP]    

Wiff of Grapeshot

Wiff of Grapeshot - + Area of Effect (Radius 1m), Removes AP from Blackpowder weapons, -2 RMOD   END COST - 0   You can safely load your pistol or rifle with grapeshot instead of a standard round. Your shot no longer penetrates armor but it makes it easier to hit a target. [Cost 2 XP]    

Stalking the Woods

Stalking the Woods - +3 Skill levels in; Concealment, Stealth and Tracking END COST - 0   You have traveled through the forest enough to know a bit of stalking and hunting. [Cost 9 XP]      

Working the Legs

Working the Legs - Drain RUN 1d6, Area Of Effect: Damage Shield (1m Surface; +1/4) (12 Active Points Costs Endurance (to maintain; -1/2)   END COST - 1   Whenever you are in unarmed combat you can elect to "Work the Legs" of anyone who makes a melee attack at you. [Cost 8 XP]        

Wrapped Up Tight

Wrapped Up Tight - Entangle 3d6, 2 PD/2 ED (25 Active Points OAF (Focus: Whip, Bolo or Chain; -1), Costs END To Maintain (Full END Cost; -1/2), Concentration (1/2 DCV; -1/4), Limited Range 3M (-1/4)   END COST - 2   You have learned the highly entertaing ability to wrap up a person in a whip (chain, rope, etc) and hold them. It's a great party trick, though it requires some concentration and a whip. [Cost 8 XP]    

Command Talents

Command Talents are typically focused on activities that a battle commander would need.    

Make Way!

Make Way! - Teleportation 16m, x2 Increased Mass (21 Active Points Limited to movement "through" a friendly unit of up to 16m width Power loses almost all of its effectiveness (-2), Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/2), Requires a Tactics Roll (Skill roll; -1/2), Incantations (-1/4), Perceivable (-1/4)   END COST - 4   When you stand within a friendly unit, if you pass a Tactics roll you are able to move 16m through a unit instantaneously. You must end your phase outside of the friendly unit. [Cost 5 XP]    

Look Out Sir!

Look Out Sir! - Teleportation 1m, No Relative Velocity, Position Shift, Trigger (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action to reset, Character does not control activation of personal Trigger; +1/2) (24 Active Points Requires a Tactics Roll (Skill roll; Jammed, Must be made each Phase/use; -1 1/2), Increased Endurance Cost (x2 END; -1/2), Perceivable (-1/2)   END COST - 4   When you would be hit by a single target attack and you stand within a friendly unit, one of your unit trades places with you automatically if you pass a Tactics roll. You have no control of this power as it is your unit that activatly protects you. [Cost 7 XP]    

Volley on My Target!

Volley on My Target! - Killing Attack - Ranged 2d6, Area Of Effect Nonselective (6m Radius; +1/4) (37 Active Points You must be in command of a unit capable of Volley Fire Power loses about half of its effectiveness (-1), Requires a Tactics Roll (Skill roll; Must be made each Phase/use; -1), Inaccurate (1/2 OCV; -1/4), Incantations (-1/4)   END COST - 4   You command a unit to center a volley of arrows upon your target, rolled at half OCV. When you pass a Tactics roll your unit will drop a 6m radius of Arrows upon that target area. [Cost 10 XP]    

Restricted Talents

Talk with the GM in advance before taking these abilities.    


Battlerage - WIP   END COST - ?   You are able to control your frenzy when in combat. [Cost 8 XP]    

Beat of the City

Beat of the City - Retrocognitive Clairsentience (Hearing Group) (40 Active Points Extra Time (6 Hours, -3 1/2), Requires A Roll (KS: Salzenmund or similar; Jammed; -1), Time Modifiers (-1/2), Vague and Unclear (-1/2)   END COST - 4   Given a few hours, you know where to go to for a some rumors. You ask around a few bars, overhear a tale or two on the street, and maybe even threaten someone to tell you a little more about what happened. [Cost 6 XP]    

Blood Tap

Blood Tap - Aid 5d6 (30 Active Points Limited to an immediate END boost which disappears in the next segment. Power loses almost all of its effectiveness (-2), Side Effects: 2d6 NND [Power Defense] (-1/2)   END COST - 3   This ability is considered heretical by the Cult of Sigmar.   When a spellcaster wishes to power a spell by something other than their own END, they may tap into their own life force to cast a single spell. [Cost 8 XP]    

Imperial Gunnery School Graduate

Imperial Gunnery School Graduate - Unknown   END COST - ?   Prerequisites - Service in the Imperial Army of 10 years or more.   Graduates of the Imperial Gunnery school in Nuln have a considerable reputation. A Blackpowder weapon can do amazing things in their hands. [Cost ? XP]    

Get the Drop

Get the Drop - +4 SPD, Trigger (Activating the Trigger is an Action that takes no time, Trigger requires a Turn or more to reset, Character does not control activation of personal Trigger; +1/4) (50 Active Points 1 Charge (-2), Limited to the first Phase of Combat Power loses almost all of its effectiveness (-2), Increased Endurance Cost (x3 END; -1), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4)   END COST - 15   Some folks are quick, but you know how to Get the Drop on most anyone. You can't keep that speed up, but you get an extra ction on your first phase of combat. [Cost 8 XP]    

Nuln Gun Mastery

Nuln Gun Mastery - Martial Art   END COST - Varies  
Nuln Gun Mastery   This advanced fighting style is best referred to as “the art of the Nuln gun.” All praticoners are known for their customized blackpowder weapons, made by their own hands.   The “Club” referred to above is the gun itself, used as a hand-to-hand weapon. In some cases, this can damage the gun. Practitioners can also learn special techniques for using the bayonet on a rifle if they wish.   Special Abilities: None.  
Maneuver Cost OCV DCV Notes
Martial Block 4 +2 +2 Block, abort
Martial Dodge 4 - Dodge All Attacks, Abort
Smash\Thrust 4 +0 +2 Weapon +2DC Strike
Takeaway 5 +0 +0 Grab Weapon, +10 STR to take weapon away
Usable with Pistols Weapons Group; Pistols Weapon Element is Free    
Ranged Maneuver Cost OCV DCV Range Notes
Accurate Shot 4 +2 -2 +2 Weapon Strike
Basic Shot 4 +0 +0 +2 Weapon Strike, +2 DC Strike
Defensive Shot 3 -1 +2 +0 Weapon Stike
Distance Shot 5 +0 +2 +6 Weapon Strike, +1 Segment
Diving Shot 3 +0 +2/td] +1 Weapon Strike, Half Move Required, You fall
Far Shot 5 +1 -1 +4 Weapon Strike
Leg Shot 3 +0 -1 +0 Weapon Strike, +2 DC Strike
Offensive Shot 5 -1 -1 +0 Weapon Strike, +4 DC Strike
Quick Shot 4 +1 +0 +0 Weapon Strike, +2 DC Strike
Ranged Disarm 4 +0 +0 +0 Disarm, +15 STR to roll
Trained Shot 4 +2 +0 +0 Weapon Stike
  • Combat Skill Levels
  • Demolitions
  • FastDraw
  • PS: Gunsmith
  • WF: Blackpowder
  • Weaponsmith
  • +1 Use Art with Blades
  • +1 Use Takeaway maneuver barehanded
      Whirlwind Attack

Whirlwind Attack

Whirlwind Attack - (HTH Attack +5d6), Area Of Effect (2m Radius; +1/4), Personal Immunity (+1/4) (37 Active Points OIF (Requires a Weapon; -1/2), Requires a Gladiators Trick Skill Check (Skill roll; -1/2), Hand-To-Hand Attack (-1/4)   END COST - 12   By striking out all about you, you attempt to wound everyone nearby. [Cost 11 XP]

Ruckus in the Reikland


The Grey Company

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