Hesli Development Hub

Hello! Welcome to the development hub of my awesome world! I'm your host, ShadowPhoenix, and here you can find everything there is to know about the articles that I'm currently working on for my world. I'll be blunt here, this article is primarily for myself to create a central place where I can keep track of my progress, to do lists, maps, goals, resources, and what more. However, I can imagine that you might find it interesting as well!  
Important Notice from Miss. Brain
Listen, ShadowPhoenix here is one hell of a chaotic being. Mind you, she's a good soul, but man her self accountability just does not exist. So, if you feel like helping out a bit, feel free to poke her either here in the comments or in the WA Discord to keep her on her toes!

Goals & Ambitions

Recently, with the New Years Resolutions Challenge 2023, I had to write down my goals for the year. In that process, I also took the liberty to add some ambitions as well. However, what good are goals and ambitions if they are not visible? So, here is a quick recap!  

Writing Goals

Create a Hub article to replace My Plans for 2022.
Get Eshil to a campaign ready state.
Write something every other day! I'll try to keep track of it in my Writing Diary.

Writing Ambition

Create a solid campaign for my players to dive into.
Reach 250.000 words in my world.

All the To Do Lists \o/

Ah yes, time for the fun part, the To Do lists! I have.. many, but I will try to keep this as organised as possible. Each title is a neat little toggle that took me too much effort to create (thank you Catoblepon for helping met out with CSS!). Click on it, and a to do list should pop out, including the things that I already have completed. ^^  
Figuring out the Gaps, Spoiler Free Version for my Players!

Decide the starting area! Main species and ethnicities
  • High Elf
    • Religion
      • The Mind
      • Gaelach
  • Wood Elf
    • Write Article
    • Write Ethnicity
  • Human
    • Write Article
    • Decide on Ethnicities
  • Bonus:
    • Swamp Gnome
Origin of Classes (Primarily for me as DM to have a vague idea of where my players can come from, which will be especially useful during character creation.)
  • Paladin
  • Sorcerer/Wizard/Warlock
  • Cleric/Monk
  • Artificer
  • Druid
  • Player Handbook
  • Primer
  • Make a list of NPC names for all races
Decide the starting area! Main location(s)
  • Create a list of random village names
Main species and ethnicities Bonus:

Figuring out the Gaps

Decide the starting area! Main location(s)
  • Abeko
Main species and ethnicities
  • High Elf
    • Religion
      • The Mind
      • Gaelach
  • Wood Elf
    • Write Article
    • Write Ethnicity
  • Human
    • Write Article
    • Decide on Ethnicities
  • Bonus:
    • Swamp Gnome
Limani Supplies Dealer
  • Professions
    • Courier
    • Warehouse Worker
    • Security Specialist
    • Wandering Merchant
    • Sniffer
  • Child Organisations
    • Limani Supplier Shipyard
    • Limani Supplier Vehicles
    • Limani Supplier Breeding Facility
    • Limani Supplier Security Services
  • Come up with a handful names
  • Add them here to write them
Kingdom of Illtresi
Origin of Classes (Primarily for me as DM to have a vague idea of where my players can come from, which will be especially useful during character creation.)
  • Paladin
  • Sorcerer/Wizard/Warlock
  • Cleric/Monk
  • Artificer
  • Druid
  • Player Handbook
  • Primer
  • Make a list of NPC names for all races
Decide the starting area! Main location(s) Main species and ethnicities NPCs Bonus:


Bonus Goals and Ambitions

Update world CSS.. again!
Draw More! Moar Art!
Work towards a uniform writing style/template
Use tags! Like, for real... use them.
Use more storytelling mediums! Prose, music, recipes, there are so many options to convey information in a different way. ^^

Healthy Goals

I have set myself a few healthy goals to keep myself in good physical and mental shape. Why? Because it is important! If you feel like crap, you'll write like crap, and that's not something I recommend. ^^  
  • I will not force myself to write when I don't feel like it. I am allowed to see if I can break through a demotivated day by making myself write for 5 minutes. If, after that, I still don't want to write, I will lay down my pen for that moment and do something else.
  • I will enjoy myself while writing, so it gives me energy instead of costing me energy.
  • I will take a break and go for a walk when I have written for more than two hours, because breaks are important.
  • I will go to the gym twice a week, to ensure that I become more physically healthy.
  • I will try to walk for 30-60mins twice a week to get fresh air.
  • I will break up my writing tasks and ambitions into small segments, so they have a low chance of overwhelming me.
A message from Shadow to Shadow
Hey, hey Shadow...
Don't forget, these healthy goals apply to your piano practise too!

Wordcount: 150k/250k

Progress on the Phoenix Handbook



I tend to do quite some research when I write articles! It could vary from how something works, to what I should write about when I'm covering a specific topic. If I come across anything of interest, I'll put the links to the pages here, so you might get some use out of it too!   Culture Making Checklist
Fantasy Worldbuilding Questions: Peoples and Customs By Patricia C. Wrede
The Zaharam-Chapelle-Parunas Ethnographical Questionnaire  


Maps are important, so here are the ones I've made so far!   Region Map of Eshil
Eshil of Illtresi
  City Map of Limani

Cover image: Hesli Banner by ShadowPhoenix


Author's Notes

HDH Version 1.0: First version of the Hub! There is still a lot to change, but it is a start to keep track of the things. ^^
HDH Version 1.1: Updated the To Do lists! Created a toggle to make them expandable for added organisation. ^^
HDH Version 1.2: After a long while of not writing, updated my wordcount! Previous wordcount: 123k

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