Limani Supplies Dealer
Come and join the Limani Supplies Dealer!
We have work for everyone of any skillset! Would you rather work with your hands instead of trading? We can certainly use a few extra hands at our child organisation; the shipyard, the vehicle factory, or at the breeding facility! Still nothing there for you? We will make it our mission to provide you with a job that suits your needs.
Come and have a chat with us at our headquarters to see what we have to offer!
From Pact to Enterprise
In the olden days, before the Kingdom of Illtresi had fully established itself in the region, Limani was a small fishing village with a tight and helpful community. To obtain other products, like eggs and meat, two merchants travelled through the region to find other villages so they could trade wares. After a few trades, they setup a trade contract that specified the first exchange rates for the produce. More villages further inland heard about the trading contracts that the Limani merchants were handing out and they wanted to chime in on the deal too. Within a matter of years, the trading contracts between villages and Limani grew exponentially. In order to keep up with the trading demand, the villagers built ships and carriages so they could trade larger numbers of goods. A few merchants noticed that villages also wanted to trade with each other, but did not have the means to transport large numbers. They offered to facilitate the trade in exchange for a fee so they could maintain the transportation equipment.Expanding Business, Increasing Employment Opportunities
The merchants from Limani knew they had found a business with great potential and took the lead in maintaining the trading contract. With that, the Limani Supplies Dealer came to life. The company facilitated trades between villages and kept a fair exchange rate for the several products that come to market. Aside from the trades themselves, they generated a stable income with renting their ships and carriages. To conintue building and maintaining their means of transportation, they setup three new coorporations that continues to provide the services regarding the transportation: the Limani Supplier Shipyard for the ships, the Limani Supplier Vehicles for the carriages, and Limani Supplier Breeding Facility for providing the animals that pull the carriages. With these extra companies, they have created a rich employment environment for the villagers and the new people who flocked to the thriving town. As the business continued to grow, the range of products and participating villages also increased. The most notable change was the value of products that were traded. In the olden days, it was just food and produce. However, as the empire grew, more expensive items came into the market. A few times, one of the carriages carrying an expensive item got robbed on the road. After the third time, the Limani Supplies Dealers asked a handful people from the towns militia to travel along with the trade to protect the wares and the people, of course against good pay. Bringing along a squat of bodyguards drastically decreased the number of successful robberies. To keep the town fully protected, the Limani Supplier Security Services came to life and dedicated itself to training young men into formidable security guards so they would not have to borrow the towns militia any longer.Befriending a Kingdom
The Kingdom of Illtresi have tried to make the Limani Supplies Dealers and their children companies part of the kingdom itself but to no avail. The Limani Dealers have made it clear that the want to stay independent as trade transcends the boundaries of countries in their opinion. After many back and forth conversations, the two parties came to an agreement. The company could stay independent, but they would have to pledge their allegiance to the kingdom in times of war. Their vehicles and ships ought not to be used by the enemies for the war, only for the trade. Furthermore, they have to help maintain the roads and rivers that they use frequently for the transportation of goods instead. It aliviates the company from paying taxes and allows them to contribute to the thing that they use the most. With the newfound allegiance, the Limani Dealers gained a free pass to setup new locations for their business throughout the country. Nowadays, there are multiple offices, trading outposts, and warehouses scattered all through Eshil.Office
Trading Outpost
Our Dragons Protect Your Wares
Limani Supplies Merchant
Warehouse Worker
Wandering Merchant
Security Specialist
Limani Supplier Shipyard
Limani Supplier Vehicles
Limani Supplier Breeding Facility
Limani Supplier Security Services
This is super impressive work! How long did this article take you?
Thank you! I started writing it out in a notebook over dinner last week. Converting all that into these words... I think it's been somewhere between 10 to 12 hours? ^,^" It was quite the back and forth between my fingers and my brain. :D