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Cirros Mot, the Frozen Mountain (Sear-os Mott)

Cirros Mot, or Skadi Mons as it is known to Earth’s astronomers, is the tallest mountain on all of Venus. Standing in what was formerly Venus’ Northern hemisphere, the mountain stands far and above the other surrounding mountains near it. It reaches a height of over seven miles at its highest point which can be seen from the edge of the horizon. Though there are a series of caves that lead into the mountain itself, there is only one path leading up the mountain, carved eons ago by the Atlanteans and their creation, the vrii.   The path way up continues high to the peak of the mountain, though what exactly the path meets at the summit is largely unknown as scant few have ever made the climb successfully. In the past, the peak of the mountain was not visible as it was obscured in cloud and snow, but since the rotation of the planet has stopped, the mountain itself has become dry and arid, leaving little clouds to further hide this once mysterious and hidden peak.   Cirros Mot literally translates to Frozen Mountain as its height used to cause a year-round layer of snow to blanket the peak, but the name has long since been a misnomer given the current state of the mountain. However, a large deal of the population of Venus actually is unaware of the status of Cirros Mot as most of them would not have made the trip in the best of times, let alone when the mountain is surrounded by hundreds of miles of brutal desert.   Much like its twin planet of Mars and its highest peak, Arrus Mot, Cirros Mot houses one of the largest pieces of Atlantean technology ever created, the aptly named Great Machine. This machine, which has kept the planet alive even with its current state by spewing oxygen and moisture into the atmosphere and revitalizing the planet. However, it is now assaulted relentlessly by the sun and is in constant danger of overheating, which is, needless to say, not good.   As the mountain and the surrounding lands began to dry up, the wildlife and small villages in the surrounding landscapes all began to die out. Now, in these deadlands, very little of what used to be survives. In terms of wildlife, only the most well adapted, toughest, and most ruthless can survive, and as for the inhabitants, only the vrii toil away in Cirros Mot.  
Inhabitants   Cirros Mot is one of the most inhospitable places on Venus. As such, few creatures live there, and only one race calls it home: the moss-covered, monolithic vrii who tend to the Great Machine within the mountain.   As long as the Machine has existed, the energy-channeling vrii have been tending to it. This great machine did not suffer and fail as the Great Machine on Mars did, owing in part to the climate of the planet, but also due to the work in the Machine that Ra himself had put in. However, once Ra had constructed the Tower of Souls, he knew that in order for it to work optimally, it would need to position it on the planet at a very specific point. In doing this, parts of the planet would be stuck on the points closest and furthest from the sun eternally. Though those areas would be drastically altered and would have to deal with the consequences, it was decided that it was the only option and so it was done.   At first Cirros Mot did not feel the consequences and as such, the vrii continued their day-to-day life as if nothing had changed. However, as the years progressed, the unrelenting, unending day would continue to beat upon Cirros Mot. The Great Machine, though efficient as always, was in danger of overheating. No amount of energy that the vrii could transfer to the machine would fix this issue, and Ra had paid no mind to the Machine since the halt of the planet, so another way had to be found in order to make sure the Great Machine stayed functional.   Now the vrii work endlessly to try to keep the Machine working. Their society has largely been grouped into two different functions. The first and larger of the two groups are the vrii who remain in Cirros Mot and the surrounding areas. Though the area is a barren desert above the ground, many miles below the ground it is still cold. In the tunnels that the vrii have carved out, they will descend until they find as much ice as they can carry, only to make the long trek up to the Machine and place the ice where it appears to be the most heated. This process repeats itself, endlessly, as they continue to hope that the tunnels continue to hold as there is only so deep they can go.   The other, smaller group of vrii have been tasked with trying to find a more sustainable, permanent solution to the Great Machine’s woes. While not normally academically minded, the oldest amongst them have tried to see if there is any simple solution or item they can build to simply shield the sun’s rays. However, many more actively scourge Venus, trying to find any magicks, technologies, or other artifacts that will save their people from eternal internment.
Mountain / Hill
Character Knowledge  
  • Characters just now arriving on Venus - You’re not sure how Venus is even breathable. From what you had heard, Venus was a sweltering, unlivable planet. None of this makes sense and you’re not sure how or why this works.
  • Characters not from Venus, who have spent some time there - You hear that, supposedly, somewhere on this planet there's a giant machine that keeps everything running? Seems far fetched, but you don’t have any other explanations, so there must be some truth to it.
  • Characters from Venus - Cirros Mot and the Great Machine are to thank for Venus being as livable as it is, but you’ve never been yourself. You hear rumors that it's a desert now though, which isn’t too outlandish, but you've never seen it yourself. That would explain the vrii that passed through here a few weeks ago though
  • Characters from Venus who live or have lived in Cirros Mot - The Great Machine must not fail. You and your kind will keep it working at any cost.

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