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Khuu'rric'Hoo'Scree'Lei (kOO-rĭk)


Khuu'rric'Hoo'Scree'Lei is the the captain of the pirate ship Soo'Rak, though he insists on being addressed by the self-appointed title of Commodore. This rank is entirely decorative, no known Military or Paramilitary organization actively uses this rank in their command structure. What is not decorative, however, is his exceptional skill at tactics, leadership of his crew, and deadly skill with his sword and revolver.
"Commodore" Khuu'rric is a very tall Flamingo Cha'Ari, at full height he stands at just over eight feet, though he carries himself with a distinguished grace. He is very particular about his appearance, his black-tipped yellow beak is always freshly buffed, his brilliant rosy pink plumage carefully brushed, and his clothing is always neatly pressed and sharp looking. He tends to favor decorative long coats, with colors and designs selected to match the season or occasion. He is also almost never seen without his gold-trimmed Tricorne hat topped with a large and brilliant white Isarus feather.

History and Career

Like many members of his crew, Khuu'rric once served within the meager standing military of the Cha'ari. He had enlisted to serve in the Sais'Oc'Toa, the Naval forces that protect Cha'Ari interests within the Aurrus Sais, and by all accounts, did quite well for himself. Public records show that he was promoted to Lieutenant Commander only two months before he disappeared, eventually reappearing a year later as the Captain of the Soo'Rak.


His moniker of "The Gentleman Pirate" is a well earned one. Khuu'rric is cunning and charismatic, commanding a fierce loyalty among his crew. He takes a great deal of pride in his appearance, and values civility when dealing with others. He is known to meet with the Captain and Officers of a captured ship over hot cups of Vekra to "negotiate" the surrender of goods, and to extract intelligence from his guests. These meetings have the calculated appearance and trappings of a posh affair, meant as a means of socially disarming the officers in order to get them to talk.
Bright Yellow
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Reddish-Pink Plumage with Black flight feathers
Ass Score:

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