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The Tower of Souls, the Throne of Atlantis

The Tower of Souls is the center of power on Venus, and the true throne to Atlantis, according to Ra himself. The landscape surrounding the Tower is cold and lifeless for miles around, with no plants, animals, or any life surrounding it. The cold winds that blow across the landscapes echo violently against the cliff faces and plains. The Tower itself can be seen from the other end of the horizon as it stretches far into the sky, looming impossibly tall into the clouds. The Tower is perpetually on the dark side of the planet, but the Tower acts as a beacon, a green ethereal stream pouring into the apex of the spire.   The Tower itself is difficult to reach on foot. On all sides except one, sheer cliffs surround the plains surrounding the tower. They sit at unnatural angles, nearly impossible to climb and descend, as they've been worked through the centuries by the priests as well as the whipping winds caught in the canyon. The one pathway into the plains has to pass through a narrow slope, flanked by two cliffs, guard posts and crystals dotting the path along to the Tower. No one ends up along this path by choice. The Tower of Souls gets no visitors or travelers, only prisoners.   The Tower does not sit alone in the plains. When Ra on Venus from the Hollow Earth, he brought the greater part of the royal palace with him. During the ritual that brought the building with him, some was lost to the ether, but even more didn't fully survive the arrival. Pieces littered the landscape, but were eventually brought together to form the beginnings of the tower over the throne room. The rest of the palace was either repurposed or expanded. The beauty of the rooms and hallways mattered not, instead rooms being repurposed to barracks, labs, and other rooms with even more diabolical purposes.   No one knows the full extent of the size of the Tower, in regards to either how far into the sky it reaches or how far in the depths below its rooms reach. It is the subject of many rumors in the backrooms and small resistance meetings that can afford to meet in secrecy. Possible back doors or gates that reach into the palace itself, but no one can ever prove the existence of any of these themselves or prove that they ever exist. It certainly doesn't help that not one person who has ever been taken to the tower has ever come back.   When the Tower was originally constructed, the landscape followed the natural flow of plants living and dying with the slow, but steady, rotation of the planet. However, since the planet was locked into its tidal position, the landscape has become desolate. The most you will find surrounding the Tower is the march of the priests on Ra's orders. The snow muffling the sounds of everything except the wind and the echoes of the damned.  
Inhabitants   There are only three types of inhabitants in the Tower of Souls. The priests, The God-King Ra, and the unfortunate prisoners who find themselves in their new home. You are unlikely to find anyone in the region who does not fit into these criteria, and if they don’t, they will soon find themselves amongst the prisoners.   The priests are easily the most numerous of the group with no one quite having any real estimate of how many there are. However, one could easily say there are zero Priests at all as they show little to no resemblance to their former selves.. Through millennia, Ra has distorted and perverted what these Priests once were, leaving them to become shells of their former selves. These priests show little free will, or perhaps they are just so subjugated that they show no traits of their own.   It's hard to determine if these priests even resemble their former selves, as nobody except Ra knows what they looked like upon arriving on Venus. The features of modern priests are hard to discern, even when looking directly at them. The faint glowing light that most pure Atlanteans possessed has been replaced by a brilliant radiance. Those who are more indoctrinated by Ra may say that this increased brightness is a sign of the invigoration and strength that Ra brought to the Priests, but you will find others who say just the opposite. According to these voices, the priests are crumbling. Their inner light has always been this bright, but their bodies are no longer strong enough to contain it. As the years go by, their physical forms will begin to wear away until they are nothing but this light, this radiant soul, and they will be left without form. Then Ra will reshape them yet again, this time unhindered by their flesh.   The indiscernible features of the priests are not solely caused by the brightness of them. One might see the outline of a hand, a face, or more, but the next moment it is gone. This is not entirely because of the priests, but because of the perception of them. For some reason, the mind can not hold their image for long before it loses its grasp on it. This applies to everything regarding the priests. Someone may get a clear look at a priest, able to determine every angle and feature of them, only to forget it moments later. They may remember that they used to know, but the memory itself is now gone forever. The implications of this are not fully understood as there is no adequate environment to test in. It is fully possible that the priests' voices and actions have the same anti-memetic effect, being able to perform actions that are instantly forgotten by those perceiving them, but this is equally difficult to prove.   The only time this doesn’t seem to be an issue is during a situation in which a priest is in their orichalcum armor. Completely encased from head to toe, there is little proof that these attackers are the same priests, but the lack of any alternative identity leaves no other answer. Leaving the Tower and arriving wherever they need to go, these attackers will show up with weapons and vehicles unseen anywhere else on the planet, leaving only devastation in their wake.
Megastructure, Land based
Characters in Location
Character Knowledge  
  • Characters just now arriving on Venus - All you know is what you can see with your eyes and the feeling deep inside of you that everything about this place is wrong.
  • Characters not from Venus, who have spent some time there - You’ve heard the name Ra and the whispers of The Tower, but hopefully you’ll never have to lay eyes on it. You’ve heard about its horrors and can only hope that most are pure rumor, but somehow you know they’re true.
  • Characters from Venus - You’ve seen the priests take people away and you know a dark fate awaits them. You’ve probably never seen Ra, but you’ve heard all about The Tower. You know as long as you don’t cause any trouble, it's likely you won’t ever have to see it, you hope.
  • Characters from Venus who have ties to a resistance - You know all about Ra, you may have even heard of The Choir. You know of the priests and hear whispers of what they once were. It's even possible you’ve heard of the Anvil, though you most likely don’t know anything about it outside of rumors of its existence.

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Articles under The Tower of Souls, the Throne of Atlantis


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