2021-04-24: Deeper Into the Pit

General Summary

The party encountered the Errant Merchant. They bartered for two items and received a spellwright tattoo (resistance) and a moon-touched scimitar. After this, they began their journey the next day with a small retinue of academics and their guards following behind.   Day 1 had strong wind, cool weather, and rain. They encountered a great jagras, whom they hunted, killed, and harvested enough for a single weapon and a single piece of armor. Day 2 had moderate wind, cold weather, and snow. They traveled roughly, only about six miles, all the way up to the edge of the plains and the cold desert ahead. Day 3 went into the desert and it was cold, but no notable wind or overcast. The party camped in a safe area in the pit.   Day 4 began delving into the second floor of the pit. The retinue of academics and guards kept the first floor safe and began studying it while the party adventured deeper.   The party ambushed inattentive vespoids, discovered ritual baths, and found a decayed elven skull in the murky, unclean water. When they went deeper into the floor, the party discovered a massive opalescent and detailed runic circle. Two wandering monsters came in (a yian kut-ku and a velocidrome), which the party fought. In the battle, Sharn fell to a vicious leap, Kasai got the killing blow on the yian-kut-ku, and the deadly arena encounter earned each party member 10 gp. They collected parts from the yian-kut-ku for one piece of armor and one weapon.

Rewards Granted

  • Great jagras parts (1 armor and 1 weapon)
  • Yian kut-ku parts (1 armor and 1 weapon)
  • 10 gp from the deadly arena combat challenge
Report Date
24 Apr 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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