2021-05-08: Water From the Pit

General Summary

The party continued its exploration of the deeper level in the pit. They found the smooth rock-cut hallways from the previous ritual room went deeper underground, only to find some of the hallway and rooms appeared to have been cut by a cavern. This cavern had a small waterfall from a crevice above and, according to the companions, had something underneath the water. The party snuck past the waterfall into this cavern and found the velocidrome that they previously wounded. With a sound handaxe throw and some spell slinging, the party defeated the velocidrome and lured its four velociprey out. The sounds of battle alerted the nearbly tetsucabra, who erupted from underneath the earth and flanked the party.   The battle was fierce and used most of the party's limited resources. However, with precise teamwork and division of responsibilities, the party felled the velocidrome and repelled the tetsucabra. Exhausted, they returned to the researchers and reported their findings before following the route back to the main camp.   At the main camp, the party stayed for about 14 days, training and refining their skills for the dangers ahead. The party reached level 4, and prepared for another voyage out into the world.

Rewards Granted

Each party member earned a total of 65 gp.  
  • 13gp for the velocidrome parts.
  • 11gp for the great jagras parts.
  • 19gp for the yian-kut-ku parts.
  • 11gp for safely escorting the academics.
  • 11gp for securing a new area.
  The party leveled up to level 4.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Cleared out the first section of the pit.
  • Safely escorted the academics and their guards to the pit.
Report Date
08 May 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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