2021-05-15: The Den

General Summary

The party, after training for two weeks, left the primary camp. Their mission, given to them by camp leadership, was to find a securable location to make the first outpost. An outpost, according to High Defense Architect Erfa, is a small but permanent camp that would be built and defended by members of the expedition. The party decided that the northern part of the Great Desert would make a fitting location for exploration into the great pit without being in the great pit.   After traveling for two days, the party discovered a recessed area near a large sandstone mass that would be defensible. Inside this area was an arzuros, a monster that resembles a mix between an armadillo and a bear, and her three cubs. The party ambushed her and slayed her and her kin. In honor of her, the outpost is named "Outpost Ursa" and will be about 1 mile from a cave that is 1 mile further from the pit.

Rewards Granted

  • Kasai discovered 1 low-quality uncommon foraging find in the Great Desert.
  • The arzuros hunt resulted in 3 arzuros pelts, 1 honey, and 2 arzuros cub shells.
  • The deadly arena combat challenge resulted in 8 gp each.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • An outpost's location was established. It will take one or two weeks for the outpost to be fully built and staffed.
Report Date
15 May 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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