2021-05-22: The Divine Statue

General Summary

The party returned to the pit after their establishment of Outpost Ursa. The researchers welcomed the party warmly and shared their discoveries.
  • Researcher Marvinne (female human) is the conservator researcher. Her task was to slowly go through the scrolls without damaging them, translate them, and record them. She shared that the records she's explored are largely administrative and journals. They involved traffic in and out of the pit, largely of elves, orcs, and humans.
  • Researcher Chaemachi (male half-elf) is the history, antiques, and theology researcher. His task was to identify and classify any historic discoveries. He shared that the pit's construction was tens of thousands of years old (~50-100 thousand years old in the plane, ~20 thousand years in estimated Hillit age), but the inhabitants here were probably here only a few thousand years ago (3-4 thousand years old in the plane, ~1-2 thousand years estimated Hillit age based on relics). This implies the time differential between the material plane and the hidden world varies. It also suggests that the latest inhabitants were not the architects. They likely were here during the war between the human-elven alliance and the orcs in Zorike.
  • Researcher McGillicutty (male human) is the arcanist researcher. His task is to identify and study the arcane phenomenons in the pit. He identified wards that hold off water in the doorways, which (along with the erosion in the ramp outside the secured rooms) suggests that the pit used to have a lot more water flow from before. He also hypothesized that the previous inhabitants figured out a method of teleportation that worked in the plane easier than current methods. He was later shown a small chunk of pale pink crystal (likely a form of planar quintessence crystal) and he was excited.
  • Guards Korrell (male half-orc, hammer and shield), Phuthem (male human, splint mail and sword), and Shiavana (female half-elf, leather armor and bow and arrow) reported that a tunnel was cleared out and a new section was discovered, but there was enough of a monster threat that they withdrew.
  The party traveled down a floor to visit the uncovered hall. They found the tetsucabra they previously fought here and proceeded to slay it. After doing so, they investigated the room and found a massive rock-cut statue of an aasmiar-like figure with many arms and a serene expression. Sharn believed that they might be somatic components to an ancient magical spell or ritual and did his best to record them. Some treasure was found in what might have been once a minor treasury. A piece of crystal was mined and kept by Sharn.   The party returned to the main camp to report Outpost Ursa. The camp recommended they go to the outpost and ensure the architect laborers would be safe establishing the outpost. The party did so for two weeks, keeping the outpost safe and exploring the local area.   The party found a massive skeleton partially buried in the sand in the cold desert and a large building over ten miles away.   The party leveled to level 5.

Rewards Granted

  • Treasure uncovered was enough for 230gp, 6sp, 6cp for each party member.
  • The shard of crystal was worth 7gp for each party member.
  • The errant merchant sold a periapt of wound closure to Tsun and googles of night to Sharn.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Protect the outpost during its construction.
Report Date
22 May 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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