2021-08-14: Past the Mesa

General Summary

The party, fresh into level 9, heard back from the long-term scouting party that ventured southwards. The information was as provided:
  • There was an interesting mesa with massive rune-like carvings along its side.
  • There were grassy fields of silver plants to the southwest. An aqueduct complex was found there.
  • They reached the jungle to the southeast. Maddened endemic life repelled them with a ferocity seen nowhere else on the island.
  • There are ruins in the mountains to the east-southeast.
In addition, Sharn the wizard learned a ritual gleaned from the statues and the namielle cavern. This ritual allows him and nearby allies to transport themselves from one statue of Kmuzat they've offered gold to and appear in front of any other pre-existing statue of Kmuzat they've likewise given an offering to. This would allow them to traverse long-distances, but return to the main camp with expeditious haste. The party chose to venture south across the great desert on their newly 'domesticated' seltas queen mount. Riding her proved useful as her speed, ability to climb, and ability to borrow expedited her journey across the sands.   While on this journey, the party defeated a massive bone-crusted monster known as a radobaan. While the beast was ferocious, the practiced teamwork of the party proved to best it and capture it for research.   The party found the remains of some sort of territorial battle between two monsters of the great desert. They looted the corpses to the best of their ability.   The party, on their peregrination to the southwestern aqueduct complex, found two burial mound sites. They safely arrived in the silver fields, a few miles from the aqueduct complex.
Report Date
14 Aug 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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