2021-08-21: Investigating the Argent Lake Village

General Summary

The party proceeded the next morning to the aqueduct complex, which was cloaked in thick fog. After inspecting the sixteen Kmuzat statues and offering coin to their favorite, the party decided to take a gander in the complex itself. A massive silver-scaled dragon intercepted them before they go too deeply in and, with a threatening posture, encouraged the party to leave.   The party traveled west, deeper into the silver peninsula. They found a damaged aqueduct and a trail of destruction leading south. Curious, they followed it and came across a ruined walled village adjacent on a lake. Kasai took an aerial view and mapped the overall structure of the village. Sharn investigated the 'citadel' of the village. Tsun inspected the ruins to estimate their age. The following conclusions were drawn:
  • The village is potentially very old; lower range estimate is a few centuries, upper range is a few thousand years. It is hard to judge age in Kmuzat due to the strange time dilation.
  • The buildings were built for grand figures. The doorways are about 15 feet tall, which suggests some large or huge creatures used to live here.
  • There was a trail of destruction from the north to the southeast.
  • Much of the village is in deep ruin.
  • The 'citadel' is one of the more intact buildings. It deserves deeper investigation, but the structural integrity suggests caution.
When discussing their discoveries, the companions heard a sound of a monster incoming.
Report Date
21 Aug 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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