Kmuzat: Silver Fields

Kmuzat's Great Plain is a grassland in the northeast of The Hidden World of Kmuzat. It has large fields of grass with silver leaf blades and trees with purple canopies.

Ecosystem Cycles


Temperature Stage Condition d6
1 Unbearable heat -
2 Hot -
3 Warm 1
4 Cool 2-5
5 Cold 6
6 Arctic cold -
Wind Stage Condition d6
1 Calm 1
2 Moderate wind 2-3
3 Strong wind 4
4 Gale 5
5 Storm 6
Precipitation Stage Condition d6
1 Clear 1-2
2 Light clouds 3
3 Overcast or ground fog 4
4 Rain, hail, or snow 5
5 Torrential rain, driving hail, or blizzard 6


Temperature Stage Condition d6
1 Unbearable heat -
2 Hot 1
3 Warm 2-4
4 Cool 5-6
5 Cold
6 Arctic cold -
Wind Stage Condition d6
1 Calm 1
2 Moderate wind 2
3 Strong wind 3-4
4 Gale 5
5 Storm 6
Precipitation Stage Condition d6
1 Clear 1-2
2 Light clouds 3-4
3 Overcast or ground fog 5
4 Rain, hail, or snow 6
5 Torrential rain, driving hail, or blizzard -


Temperature Stage Condition d6
1 Unbearable heat -
2 Hot -
3 Warm 1
4 Cool 2-5
5 Cold 6
6 Arctic cold -
Wind Stage Condition d6
1 Calm -
2 Moderate wind 1
3 Strong wind 2-3
4 Gale 4-5
5 Storm 6
Precipitation Stage Condition d6
1 Clear 1
2 Light clouds 2-3
3 Overcast or ground fog 4
4 Rain, hail, or snow 5
5 Torrential rain, driving hail, or blizzard 6


Temperature Stage Condition d6
1 Unbearable heat -
2 Hot -
3 Warm -
4 Cool 1-3
5 Cold 4-6
6 Arctic cold -
Wind Stage Condition d6
1 Calm 1
2 Moderate wind 2-3
3 Strong wind 4
4 Gale 5
5 Storm 6
Precipitation Stage Condition d6
1 Clear 1
2 Light clouds 2
3 Overcast or ground fog 3-4
4 Rain, hail, or snow 5
5 Torrential rain, driving hail, or blizzard 6

Fauna & Flora

CR Monsters
0 Altaroth, Kelbi, Mosswine, Moofah
¼ Velociprey, Maccao, Bullfango, Bnahabra, Hornetaur, Vespoid, Great Thunderbug, Konchu, Gargwa, Larinoth, Kestodon
½ Jaggi, Remobra
1 Jaggia, Velocidrome, Conga, Vespoid Queen
2 Great Jaggi, Great Maccao, Bulldrome, Rhenoplos
3 Yian Kut-ku, Seltas
4 Kulu-Ya-Ku, Hypnocatrice, Arzuros
5 Blue Yian Kut-ku, Volvidon
6 Tzitzi-Ya-Ku, Qurupeco, Kecha Wacha, Congalala
7 Yian Garuga, Seregios, Paolumu, Anjanath
8 Gypceros, Rathian
9 Malfestio, Astalos, Najarala
10 Rathalos, Zinogre
11 Nargacuga, Seltas Queen
12 Nightshade Paolumu, Banbaro, Kirin
13 -
14 Chameleos
15 Rajang, Kushala Daora
16 Scarred Yian Garuga, Tigrex
17 Brachydios, Velkhana
18 Deviljho
19 Silverwind Nargacuga
20 -

Natural Resources

For each 2 mile wide cell, you can generate resources discovered based on a searching Wisdom ability check. The proficiency used depends on the discovery. If there is no focus, then add +2 to the DC to do a broad net of searching.   It takes about one hour per cell to make the check. Each additional hour adds one advantage (if using the Homebrew Rules: Bell Curve Roll Ability Checks rule) or just advantage if rolling a d20.   A discovery depends on the ability check rolled. Each topic of discovery can have one of five ranks of quality that describes how many dice are rolled for the discovery's value (low, medium, high, exceptional) and each topic has a richness in the region that describes what dice are rolled for the discovery's value (poor richness, common richness, uncommon richness, rare richness, wealthy richness). Quality is how effective the party was at discovery and richness is how valued the discoveries of that topic are from the region.
DC Quality Poor (d4) Common (d6) Uncommon (d8) Rare (d10) Wealthy (d12)
15 Low Quality 2d4 gp 2d6 gp 2d8 gp 2d10 gp 2d12 gp
20 Medium Quality 4d4 gp 4d6 gp 4d8 gp 4d10 gp 4d12 gp
25 High Quality 6d4 gp 6d6 gp 6d8 gp 6d10 gp 6d12 gp
30 Exceptional Quality 8d4 gp 8d6 gp 8d8 gp 8d10 gp 8d12 gp
A cell cannot be searched more than once in the same day.
Topic Description Primary Skill Proficiencies Value
Hunting Identifying herds, beasts, and game to hunt. Survival d10
Foraging Identifying consumable plants, medicinal herbs, and natural alchemical components. Survival d8
Ewer Identifying sources of fresh water. Survival d8
Lumber Identifying valuable trees to harvest. Nature d6
Mining Identifying valuable ore veins to harvest. Nature d10
Masonry Identifying valuable stone quarries to harvest. Nature d4
Husbandry Identifying potentially domesticable animals to collect. Nature, Animal Handling d8
Agriculture Identifying potentially large-scale plants to farm. Nature d12
History and Relics Identifying relics, ruins, and remnants of prior sentience. History, Investigation d12
Cartography Identifying easily spotted landmarks, leaving trail marks, and features for navigation. Survival, Navigator's Tools d6
Arcane Phenomenon Identifying strange magical phenomenon in the area. Arcana d8


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