Allathra the Sun

The Shining Lord Allathra (a.k.a. The Sun)

The sun is the shining celestial force of light, life, and warmth for Hillit. He is known as Allathra, the Shining Lord, and the Radiant King. He is the manifestation of civilization, honesty, wisdom, and strength.  




Champions of Allathra are typically exemplars of light, law, truth, and strength.  


You can increase your piety score to Allathra when you act according to His wishes. Such actions can include:
  • Building or restoring a temple to Allathra
  • Defending a city from a major threat
  • Defeating a tyrant
  • Asserting yourself as a great ruler
  • Revealing a great deception and discovering the hidden truth
  • Acting with great bravery in a noble manner
You can decrease your piety score to Allathra if you act against His wishes. Such actions can include:
  • Violating any just law
  • Violating an oath
  • Threatening others with cowardice
  • Abusing power
  • Losing subjugates
Allathra's Devotee
Piety 3+ Allathra Trait   As a devotee of Allathra, you have proven yourself a worthy champion of the sun. You can call on Allathra's favor and cast bless with this trait, requiring no material components. Allathra’s blessing manifests as a nimbus around the affected creatures, causing them to shed dim light in a 5-foot radius until the spell ends. You can cast the spell in this way a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.  
Allathra's Votary
Piety 10+ Allathra Trait   You can cast crusader's mantle with this trait. Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.  
Allathra's Disciple
Piety 25+ Allathra Trait   You grow accustomed to the blazing radiance of the sun; you have advantage on saving throws against being blinded, and you have resistance to fire damage.  
Champion of Allathra
Piety 50+ Allathra Trait   You can increase your Strength or Wisdom score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.

Divine Domains

  • Knowledge. Allathra is the god of truth, and priests who emphasize this domain tend to seek the absolute truth in all dark mysteries that plague civilization.
  • Life. Allathra is the guardian of the cycle of life and peace, and priests who emphasize this domain tend to wade into combat to save those who suffer.
  • Light. Allathra is the god of the sun, and priests who emphasize this domain act as radiant forces of Allathra's will.
  • Order. Allathra is the god of civilization and patron of leaders. Priests who emphasize this domain act as advisers to leaders, both large and small.
  • War. Allathra is the god of war and conquest, and priests who emphasize this domain act as trainers and advisers to generals and warlords.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

  • Sacred Animal: Butterfly
  • Sacred Flower: Lily

Tenets of Faith

  • Trust in the guidance of your leaders. Civilization and order is formed on the foundation of trust.
  • Trust in the wisdom and experience of your followers. A leader can only ever be as good as those they lead.
  • Seek the Truth in all things.
  • Be just and kind to all you meet.
  • Preserve the sacred cycle of life.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Allathra, like all of the gods of the Celestial Pantheon, has somewhat vague goals. He leaves much of His divine mission to his demiurges. Largely, priests who specialize in Allathra's domains agree that He advocates for just and wise rule. He demands that any authority figure, ranging from the greatest emperor to the lowest foreman, treat their subservient population with respect and compassion. Being an authority figure doesn't make you a greater being and the responsibility of leadership implies that they work for the subservient.


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