Laetha the Red Moon

The Crimson Moon Laetha (a.k.a. The Near Moon)

The Near Moon is the first and crimson moon of Hillit. She is known as Laetha, the Loving Moon, and the Fire Moon. She is the manifestation of freedom, life, art, and love.  




Champions of Laetha are typically exemplars of community, life, prosperity, and love.  


You can increase your piety score to Laetha when you act according to Her wishes. Such actions can include:
  • Building or restoring a temple to Laetha
  • Healing the sick
  • Stopping a plague
  • Benefiting from a clever deal
  • Pushing the limits of your horizons
  • Fostering true love
You can decrease your piety score to Laetha if you act against Her wishes. Such actions can include:
  • Breaking relationships built on love
  • Stealing from the poor
  • Spreading sickness and injury
  • Forcing people into cruel deals
  • Harming the pillars of communities
Laetha's Devotee
Piety 3+ Laetha Trait   As a devotee of Laetha, you have proven yourself a worthy champion of the red moon. You can call on Laetha's favor and cast healing word with this trait, requiring no material components. You can cast the spell in this way a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.  
Laetha's Votary
Piety 10+ Laetha Trait   You can cast aura of vitality with this trait. Once you cast the spell in this way, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability for this spell.  
Laetha's Disciple
Piety 25+ Laetha Trait   By performing an hour-long ritual, you can conjure enough motes of crimson light to fill three vials (4 ounces each) of divine succor. Each vial serves as a potion of healing for 24 hours, after which it loses this property. Once you use this trait, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.  
Champion of Laetha
Piety 50+ Laetha Trait   You can increase your Charisma or Wisdom score by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.

Divine Domains

  • Life. Laetha is the god of restoration, convalescence and healing. Priests who emphasize this domain tend to live as medics, healers, and doctors.
  • Forge. Laetha is the god of trade and crafts, and priests who emphasize this domain tend to live amongst craftsmen and smiths to help them in their livelihoods.
  • Trickery. Laetha is the god of cleverness and craftiness, and priests who emphasize this domain tend gamblers, thieves, and the silver tongued.
  • Twilight. Laetha is the god of travel and exploration, and priests who emphasize this domain wander and protect nomads, roads, and travelers.
  • Peace. Laetha is the god of community, so priests who emphasize this domain act as spiritual leaders and the hearts of local communities.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

  • Sacred Animal: Hummingbird
  • Sacred Flower: Trumpet vine

Tenets of Faith

  • Trust in your heart and your love. Often, it knows more than you think.
  • Treat and care for life. Life begets the greatest wonders known.
  • Foster freedom and creativity. The grace of creation and freedom makes life worth living.


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