Alwasiu Alfidiyu

Alwasiu Alfidiyu, which translates to silver defender or argent guard in common, is a secret organization run by The Great Healer Aziz, an ancient silver wyrm. Alwasiu Alfidiyu holds no political or religious alliegances, although there are unofficial allies in many established organizations.   The Argent Guard is a charitable group who finds and shelters people (especially newborn children) who have abnormal natures that otherwise would exile them from civilization. This can include children born with wild or uncontrolled magic in their soul, birth defects that would mark them with superstitious omens, or severe health conditions that would ordinarily doom them to a swift death. Agents of the Argent Guard, known as Argent Guardians, identify these marginalized people and emigrate them from their unwelcoming environments and relocates them to an island controlled by Aziz as a ward of the Argent Guard.   Once a ward of the Argent Guard, these protected people are treated by expert medicas and arcanists while being protected by one of the oldest dragons known. They receive the care and compassion they deserve and learn to cope with any limitations they have and control any abilities they were given.   Few ever learn of the Argent Guard -- they prefer to act in secret as to provide protection for their vulnerable wards. A few key members of organizations such as the Everhearth or the Arbiter's Outpost keep an eye out for these sorts of marginalized people and alert a contact of theirs in the Argent Guard. Often, the children saved by the Argent Guardians become a guardian themselves upon maturity to help continue the noble mission.


The absolute ruler of the Argent Guard is the great dragon Aziz, who created the organization over a thousand years ago to protect and preserve patients of his who would otherwise have been killed by their community.   Below Aziz is other dragons who have volunteered to assist and work with him, such as Parastoo.   Below the dragons are the elite members of the Argent Guard. These agents excel at identifying and extraditing unfortunate people into the safety of the guard.   Below the elite members of the Argent Guard are the volunteer medica and arcanist roles, who use their professional expertise to tend to the wards and protect them from both themselves and from each other.   The lowest ranks are the attendants of the Argent Guard, who help nurture the emotional wellbeings of the wards by counseling them, showing affection, tending to their environments, and serving however they can. Many of the attendants are older wards themselves.

Public Agenda

The Argent Guard's agenda is to identify people whom society would shun or exile due to no fault of their own and give them a safe place to live and thrive.


Because it is backed by dragons, the Argent Guard has a fair fortune that allows it to thrive as an independent organization from any geopolitical or religious entity.

All who Live are Precious

Activist, Charity
Alternative Names
Argent Guard
Argent Guardian, Argent Medica, Argent Arcanist, Argent Attendant, Argent Ward


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