
The arcanists are a scholarly and theoretical people. Also known as scribes, their primary role is to record magical knowledge and perform theoretical research.   There are many types of arcanists, depending on the theory of magic they specialize in.

Specialties of Arcanists


The animologist is an academic dedicated to the study of souls, spirits, and the cycle of life and death -- all part of the study of animology.  

Common Player Classes

  • Wizard; School of Necromancy
  • Sorcerer; Shadow Magic
  • Warlock; The Undying
  • Cleric; Grave Domain
  • Bard; College of Lore


The ĉielogist is an academic dedicated to the study of planar theory, the nature of reality, and the wonders of the dimensions magic travels through -- all part of the study of ĉielogy. Many wizards who study the conjuration school become ĉielogists.   A ĉielogist, in addition to planar theory, are experts in transportation magic, teleportation rituals, and summoning rites. A major industry for a ĉielogist is work on the United Halla Alliance teleportation network.  

Common Player Classes

  • Wizard; School of Conjuration
  • Warlock; Any
  • Sorcerer; Wild Magic
  • Bard; College of Glamour or College of Lore


The neviditajologist is an academic dedicated to the true nature of magic, quintessence, and spellcraft -- all part of the study of neviditajology. Virtually any spellcaster can be a neviditajologist if they have a passion for arcane theory.  


The sorĉadologist is an academic dedicated to the study and production of magical items, artifice, and crafts -- all part of the study of sorĉadology. Artificers are especially talented sorĉadologists, but virtually any spellcaster can be one.



In order to earn the title of arcanist, the scholar must earn multiple certifications from the Arkani colleges in the Universitate. These studies can take anywhere from four years to twenty years, depending on the depth and difficulty of the course.

Payment & Reimbursement

A professional arcanist can earn a healthy income in virtually any city or town. Most begin by offering their magical services to the community and are aptly called community arcanists. With a good reputation, an established business, and affiliation with the Universitate, an arcanist can earn about 60 - 80 gold pieces a month. Their profit margin is largely based on what contracts they agree to and, essentially, is a gig economy until they secure a long-term patron.   An industry arcanist (rather than a community arcanist) works in a more rigorous and difficult career. These arcanists can craft magical items, maintain complex magical networks, act as theorists and professors, or other non-contractual work for a long term. While it is harder to be an industry arcanist, it does pay better -- a decent industry arcanist in a profitable industry can be expected to earn about 110-160 gold pieces a month.   For a player character, a talented arcanist is usually around level 5 of a spellcasting class. The higher the level and reputation the player character earns, the more wealthy they could feasibly become.



Most arcanists, independent of their preferred field of arcana to study, are able to perform basic magical tasks as part of their job. Much of these magical tasks do not actually require magic and are, instead, utilizing the lore and theory the arcanist has learned.   These community arcanists often have contractual tasks along the effects of "what is this magic item I found", "is this war on my elbow a curse", "what does the future tell of me", "I think there's an evil alchemist poisoning my food -- can you check", and other generalized tasks.   Industry arcanists can maintain teleportation networks, work in major crafting guilds, and other tasks that do not normally require the interaction with a typical denizen of the land.

Social Status

Arcanists are well-respected in most societies.



Arcanists need only one item to mark themselves as an arcanist: their ceremonial cowl. It has been a tradition for centuries for an arcanist to wear this -- it marks them as a certified arcanist and is a symbol of their training, expertise, and authority.   The cowl is a mantle over the shoulder and hood. The mantle is a large, hexagonal cut of fabric with a hole in the middle to slide over the head. The hood is not often worn up, but it is likewise a simple structure. The cowl isn't typically ornate, but the robes or clothing underneath can be. Most cowls are white with a colored lining.   Beyond the cowl, an arcanist typically has a robust library of books and texts they keep handy.


Arcanists need ink, pens, quills, parchement, paper, and books to log their work. In addition, certain arcanists are the only authorized dealers for quintessence crystals, so a healthy supply of feric crystal is a great selling point.


The communal arcanist often has a small office with a few attendants or assistants. They hold regular hours to keep up the influx of contractual works, sell wares, and consult.   Most offices contain a welcoming antechamber, burning with a sacred hearth. A successful communal artificer can have a filled office with alchemist sets, enchanting stations, or even pre-engraved ritualistic rooms. Every artificer worth their weight in silver will have a well-stocked library of reference materials and texts, ready for use for any contract.   An industry arcanist's workplace varies much more. An industry sorĉadologist, for example, would have a lavish sorĉadology workshop for enchanting quintessence crystals with sigilos with plenty of fail-safes to protect the delicate crystals from unintentional magical interference. An animologist might have a laboratory designed to examine a sentient's soul health and diagnose conditions. A ĉielogist might have a complex set of pre-engraved ritual circles to divine the nature of other planes, summon creatures, or experiment with teleportation magic. A neviditajologist would have a massive library full of theoretical texts and academic journals of their own experiments.
Alternative Names
Due to the difficulty of the job, communal arcanists are in moderate demand and industry arcanists are in high demand.


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