Dakurakolan Uncaste

drofwll pend drgard (/drovuːɬ pɛnd drgaːr/ , the forgotten order of stone in Gwlasian)   The criminals, murderers, caste violators, and outsiders uncaste.   This caste is diverse in that it has many kinds of people that can populate it. If someone lives a life unborn in another caste or outside of a caste's structure, they will be labeled uncaste or drofwll pend drgard and live a lesser life in Dakurakol. The uncaste have less legal rights (limited property ownership, no land ownership, unable to own their own business, etc.) and are frequently judged as lesser by the Dakurakolan court system.   An outsider or immigrant in Dakurakol will be assigned as an uncaste.   It is possible for an uncaste to prove themselves worthy of a caste. The process is long and difficult, starting with a patron of the target caste vouching for their quality, then a long process of learning the history of the caste and (for outsiders) Dakurakolan past, then a feat of worth for the caste, culminating in a trial run by the caste leaders to determine worth and a vote of the caste elders. It can take anywhere from five to twenty years to gain a position in a caste.   There is a growing minority of Dakurakolan citizens who have conscientiously revoked their caste privledges and joined the drofwll pend drgard as a protest to the rigidity of the castes. They also petition more rights and privileges for the uncaste.
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