
Dakurakol is the network of cave systems, underground highways, and cities on the bed of the ocean crafted by dwarves in ages past. Most of the Hillit races think of Dakurakol as the collection of tourist-friendly surface dwarven settlements.   All of Dakurakol is ruled by the dwarven monarchy, who is currently run by Caliph Grothmurten. The caliph is the spiritual successor and divined inheritor of the honor of an ancient lineage of dwarven heroes. The seat of power lies in Chroma, a city buried under the ocean crust.   Dakurakol is, for the most part, populated within mountains divided into a northern and a southern region. The northern state, Fruktha, is the most influential of the two and has the largest amount of trade routes to other cultures. The southern state, Tramonak, is less populated.   Dakurakol is generally welcoming to outsiders in its surface settlements, but rarely underground. Dakurakolans are typically uncomfortable around elves, half-elves, and half-orcs. Legally, though, all races are allowed entry within its borders. Most non-dwarven citizens live outside these underground settlements, since they are not part of the pend drgard (literally "order of the stone") -- the severe caste system.   There are small goliath tribes near surface settlements that live tensely in the dwarven territory. The goliaths are more adept at defending surface paths of the mountains, which the dwarves use as a reason to tolerate them.   Dakurakolans are not superstitious. They feel that ancient fears and antiquated traditions around magic are pointless and a waste of time. They do loathe the undead and are known for their absolute intolerance of Elder cults.   Dakurakolans tend to wear loose fitting gray and blue cloth when above ground and in general a silk-like cloth harvested from a variation of a silkworm found on the ocean floor.

Demography and Population

Dakurakol is a predominantly dwarven civilization and has few immigrants. There are a few scattered goliath tribes who live on the surface, over or near the surface settlements. Due to its strong economic ties with the Goldenwood, Dakurakol also has a minor gnome population.   Dakurakol has about 3,475,000 citizens.


Dakurakol is primarily under sea level. They have formed underground cities and networks underneath the ocean, which has kept them safe from many outside influences. The Dakurakol territory connects virtually every landmass in Whohe Dvuha.   The surface settlements are the primary nodes of contact with the world outside of Dakurakol. Surface settlements are in mountain ranges near the water and are usually massive, carved-out cave structures with fairly open access to the rest of Hillit.


Dakurakol has a significant military that defends its borders, both under the water and under the land. There has been no recorded instance of a Dakurakolan city falling in a siege.   All Dakurakolan dwarven citizens are compelled to a minimum of five years of service in the military once they reach adulthood. This leaves the far majority of the population with some form of military training. Most citizens participate in the reserves militia meant to bolster the defense forces in case of national emergency, such as a cave-in or an invasion.   The naval Dakurakolan forces use submersible vehicles and most naval military units are equipped with water breathing artifice.

Technological Level

Dakurakol is the most technologically advanced member of the United Halla Alliance with great feats of engineering and understanding of natural philosophy. However, its arcanum is gravely behind Irita. Dwarven artifice, which mainly relies on lifesmiths, is fairly limited in scope. Lately, ambitious and young lifesmiths have traveled to surface lands to learn more about other artifice techniques. They hoard lifesmith knowledge tightly, tough.


Dakurakol has no official state religion. A significant minority (~30% of the population) observes and respects the Celestial pantheon, but the iconography differs. Since the civilization doesn't have easy access to the night sky, they don't associate the deities with the sun and moons, nor the demiurges with stars. The Cyclical pantheon is respected as well as a primary faith (~20% of the population).   Worship and rites for the Fae court, Dæmonic court, and Elder cult, and Twilight cult are illegal within Dakurakol's borders.   Dakurakolan society has a deeply ingrained culture of ancestor worship. A citizen's family is defined as the pend drgard caste they are assigned at adulthood, which could separate citizens from their biological families. These new caste families have significant heroes and figures in their histories, which are revered and deeply respected. The caliph, the highest member of the pend drgard, performs rites and rituals to revere the greatest ancestor figures of Dakurakol.

Foreign Relations

Dakurakol is allied with the Goldenwood, both economically and diplomatically. Dakurakol has a strong investment in non-quintessence-crystal artifice, specifically living metal. Since the Goldenwood specializes in sacred tree artifice, they have created pacts to form synergized artifice.   Dakurakol has a few trade agreements with Elkown, which is adjacent to their northern surface settlement. These trade agreements help Dakurakol with food and furs -- both of which they eagerly use.   Dakurakol is an official member of the United Halla Alliance, but their membership is contentious. Dakurakol has resisted many mandated rules by the members, which has irked Irita and Brasi the most. Dakurakol is tolerated due to the metallurgical and mineral wealth it brings to the alliance, and Dakurakol stays to have favorable agricultural trading.

Agriculture & Industry

Dakurakol is primarily an industrial state. Dakurakol has some of the best miners, refineries, and smiths in Hillit. This has lead to a very productive and rich industry in metallurgy, jewelry, and other crafted items. It is the leader in living metal production, manipulation, and artifice. In addition, Dakurakol is the leading producer on high-quality arms, armor, and submersible vehicles.   Dakurakol's agriculture is weaker than its industry by far. Standard produce doesn't grow well underground, so most of Dakurakol's domestic produce is mushrooms, fungi, and various underground creatures. The few Dakurakolan cities that exist on the ocean floor harvest seaweed, fish, and other marine life.

Trade & Transport

Dakurakol frequently trades through its surface settlements and the hill dwarf ethnicity of Dakurakol. These settlements feature large, open-air markets that cater to outsiders and insiders alike. Goods are transported to and from major markets with the network of living rail.   Transportation between the massive settlements relies on the living rails for rapid motion, or by long, winding roads patrolled by the domestic guard. Carriages on the carved roads are usually pulled by rothé.


Dakurakol has no Universitate campuses or Stoa pavilions. Instead, it has its own state academies and institutions. Each citizen receives a fundamental amount of education before they are an adult, including history, music, and the natural philosophies. Once a citizen reaches adulthood, they are trained in military matters, tactics, and politics. After the service is concluded, citizens are given aptitude examinations and recommendations by their professors, who then determine what constructive roles in society the citizen is able to achieve. These paths determine the caste role of the citizen. Non-dwarves are largely exempt from being part of the cast, but each good dwarf is expected to serve their duty in society.   The post-military educational path is a long one. Smiths, for instance, take part in an apprenticeship that can take up to a decade to complete before they are welcomed into the artisan caste.


Dakurakol has a complicated infrastructure. Because the far majority of Dakurakol isn't exposed to seasons, the sky, or atmospheric phenomenon that the rest of Hillit is used to, their cities have different defensive priorities.   First, city planning and architecture has developed very differently. Most underground cities are built in massive and once-magma-filled packets. Ceilings and roofs are largely ornamental when they are built in the open -- there is no rain or storm to threaten security. The wealthy live in manually-hewn structures in the walls of the cities. Cities are built near volcanic fissures to channel life-giving warmth into population centers. The most important city infrastructure elements focus on two key resources: air and water.   Clean air is essential in the much more enclosed ecosystems of Dakurakolan cities. Massive algae farms in the lower levels of the cities produce the majority of the clean air the Dakurakolan citizens need to survive. The upper castes have their own artifice that produces clean air and pleasant scents. Water is also essential. Dakurakol has plenty of access to salinated water or geothermal acidic hot springs. The few fresh water falls in Dakurakol tapped into the water tables above them. Eventually, the ancient dwarves of Dakurakol learned to create sieves of living metal that would cleanse water of salt, acid, and disease that pass through their adamantium weaves. These erwodybyth allowed Dakurakolan civilization to burrow deeper and deeper into the earth.   The sewage system in Dakurakolan cities involves the lowest of the pend cast system -- the aplad pend drgard ("foundational order of stone"). All waste, detritus, and byproducts are managed by the aplad pend, either to be recycled or destroyed. Water waste is purified using the rare erwodybyth and reintroduced into the water network. Smithy byproducts are stored and isolated for mass destruction in the dangerous fissures near most cities. The plad pend drgard also maintain the massive algae pools underneath the city networks that produce the majority of clean air for the rest of the pend drgard.   The unihem pend drgard ("traveling order of stone") maintain the travel network of Dakurakol. Originally, this caste's main role was to carve new roads and maintain them. They monitored cave-ins, geological shifts, and the safety of the carved roads. The unihem pen drgard would also maintain the murals that adorned the walls of the carved roads, which told stories and legends of the Dakurakolan people. In the last century, new artifice emerged in Dakurakol and the unihem pend drgard were tasked with carving and maintaining the rails for the living rails.   The unibʊrbo pend drgard ("creating order of stone") maintains the smithing and the lifesmith techniques that are crucial to the standard of living in Dakurakol. The lifesmiths strive to understand and replicate the erwodybyth artifice that Dakurakol depends on. The lifesmiths are also the inventors of the living rails, which are a massive network of rapid-traveling train-like vehicles that connect Dakurakolan settmenets under the ocean and through the crust. These rails allow the mass transit of citizens, goods, and produce between settlements and have brought forth a never-before-seen unity in Dakurakol. However, travel is expensive, so most unessential travel relies on the carved roads.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Economic System
Market economy
Dakurakol follows the Standard Currency model.
Major Exports
Dakurakol's primary exports are metals, metalcraft, living metal tools (which are very expensive), and other fine crafts. Dwarven arms and armor are considered some of the best on the market.
Major Imports
Dakurakol imports food from Goldenwood, Seafoam Clusters, and Elkown. Dakurakol also imports sacred wood products from Goldenwood.
Legislative Body
Dakurakol is lead by a caliph, who is an absolute monarch and ultimate authority of law.
Judicial Body
There are numerous courts of law in Dakurakol, each ranking in power and prestige. The caliph is the highest court of law.
Parent Organization
Official Languages
Related Professions
Neighboring Nations


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