Height Distributions
If you so desire, your character's height can be randomly generated based on their sentient's typical distributions.
Sentients tend to follow the same kind of height distributions:
- There is a mean height for the sentient and sex combination.
- The standard deviation of the distribution of heights is approximately equal to 0.0438 times the mean height for both sexes. Standard deviation × 0.0438 is the height factor.
- Find the mean height for your race and sex.
- Generate a random height factor, or choose one based on how relatively tall you want your character.
- Multiply your height factor by the mean, then add it to the mean. Alternatively, use the formula (mean × [1 + height factor]).
- I looked at the Human article and saw that female humans are typically 5.40 fl (about 5'4.8" or 165 cm).
- I randomly generated a height factor and rolled a 93 on my d100 roll. That corresponds to a height factor value of 0.0646, which is in the 93rd percentile for the species and sex -- that's pretty tall!
- I multiply my height factor by my mean value and get (5.40 fl × 0.0646 = 0.3488 fl). I add this to my mean of 5.40 fl and have a final height of 5.75 fl, or about 5'9" or 175 cm.
- 99.9th percentile is a height factor of 0.1354 (3.09 standard deviations)
- 99.99th percentile is a height factor of 0.1629 (3.72 standard deviations)
- 99.999th percentile is a height factor of 0.1868 (4.26 standard deviations)
- 0.1st percentile is a height factor of -0.1353 (-3.09 standard deviations)
- 0.01st percentile is a height factor of -0.1629 (-3.72 standard deviations)
- 0.001st percentile is a height factor of -0.1868 (-4.26 standard deviations)
Remember! 1 frul (fl) is 1 ft! See Standardized Units of Measure for more information.
Data source: https://ourworldindata.org/human-height