
Humans used to be found on every continent and in every culture during the golden and silver eras, according to human legend. The tumultuous end of the silver era of history claims that a massive war between the five races resulted in magic almost dying out, lands being shattered, and an entire human continent being sunk beneath the waves. Humanity retreated to a few safe havens, where they grew stagnant and gradually shrunk in population. Humanity faced a curse for thousands of years as well -- whenever they traveled over the open oceans, the ghosts of the great war would rise from the waves and strike them down.   Since magic began to trickle back into the world, the humans revitalized rapidly. Brasi, Irita, and Sorionith are major human centers, but humanity has once again spread to almost every culture on Hillit.   In the United Halla Alliance, humans have a wide range of skin tone, ranging from a deep brown of Oini to a pale alabaster in Zorike.   Human souls are of the "world soul" classification.

Basic Information


Humans are a varied people, ranging from thin to burly, rubanesque to slender. Their heights can vary dramatically, as can their skin tone, hair color, hair texture, facial features, eye color, and more.   Humans have two arms, two legs, no tail, and are warm-blooded. They give birth to live children and offer milk to their young.   There are noticeable sexual dimorphisms across the two primary sexes of humans. Adult males tend to be taller, broader in shoulder, and have more muscle mass than their female counterparts. Adult females tend to have larger breast tissue, broader hips, and more body fat than their male counterparts. However, there are wide ranges of examples of members of either sex showing any specific trait usually associated with the other.

Genetics and Reproduction

Humans are able to reproduce early in their adolescence, but they are most efficient when they reach adulthood. Humans have an "exceptionally worldly soul", which makes them capable of natural reproduction with many other worldly soul sentients. These mixed race children are often fully fertile in their own right and are capable of forming their own lineages. For example, early elves and humans produced the first half-elf species, who truly benefit from the best of both parents.   Some species are able to reproduce with a human and produce a distinct sentient offspring. Other species are able to reproduce with a human and produce an offspring that appears to show predominantly human or the other species in nature rather than a hybrid sentience, usually (over 80% of the time) the other species and occasionally (below 20%) human. An aasimar is able to reproduce with a human, but the offspring is always human and the soul is worldly. Occasionally, a member of a lineage with an aasimar ancestor can result in a divine soul sorcerer.   Other species appear to be unable to reproduce with humans without the intervention of powerful and dangerous magic.

Growth Rate & Stages

A typical human could reach the following milestones:
  • Adolescence at year 13
  • Adulthood at year 18
  • Death from old age at year 75

Ecology and Habitats

Humans are well-known for being surprisingly adaptive in environment. Humanity has survived in deserts, tundras, jungles, forests, grasslands, and every biome in-between. There is virtually no environment other than the most harsh or oxygen-deprived (like the north-south poles or the bottom of the ocean) that a human hasn't thrived in.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Humans are prolific omnivores. They are capable of eating virtually any other food another sentient is able to eat.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Humans are widespread across many civilizations in the United Halla Alliance.
human distribution.PNG

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Humans have decent auditory senses and vision. They are known for great hand-eye coordination.
Genetic Descendants
75 years
Average Height
Males are typically 5.85 fl. Females are typically 5.40 fl.
Average Weight
Humans vary widely in weight, with a decent range of 8 to 18 kobi (125 - 280 lbs).


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