HIghest Order Celestial Spirit

The highest celestial order of spirits are immensely powerful divine spirits, approaching a stellar divinity in raw magical power. Unlike a stellar divinity, though, a celestial spirit is contained into one form and is more easily destroyed.   Many high order celestial spirits serve both the Celestial pantheon and the Cyclical pantheon. Some known high order celestial spirits are
  • Hun
  • Mun
  • Heð
  • Nið

Basic Information


A high order celestial spirit can have almost any form, but many can be categorized as animalistic (e.g. avian, winged serpent, sphinx-like) or unknowable (e.g. a burning wheel of eyes, a mask surrounded by uncountable feathered wings, a shadowed form of a glittering void). High order celestial spirits can have a biological sex, but their magic allows them to shift their physiology into any sex they so want.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

A high order celestial spirit can see through illusions, magic, darkness, and bright light.
Celestial Spirit


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