Stellar Divinity

A stellar divinity is a powerful celestial spirit, second only to the Celestial Divinity. Almost all stellar divinities are known as a demiurge, which is a title bestowed upon them by the celestial gods.   The first demiurges were charged by the celestial gods to shape the raw material of the earliest forms of Hillit into the world it is known as today. Currently, they are the major face of celestial politics and have far more mortally relatable personalities and egos than the celestial gods do, for better or for worse.   Stellar divinities are linked to a flickering star in the night sky. As long as the divinity exists, the star will shine.

Basic Information


Unlike celestial divinities, a stellar divinity can have a single physical form. This form is very morphic and depends greatly on the individual psychology of the divinity. Divinities that arise from apotheosis tend to have a body that resembles their mortal shell.   Stellar divinities, when manifesting as a creature, tend to have golden bands on their skin or fur. This is usually the inspiration for their sacred symbol. They also tend to manifest a halo of churning arcs of light and waves of plasma, similar to Allathra's corona. In this state, it is near impossible for a mortal to withstand their presence and it has been reported (in myth) that a fully present stellar divinity can reach heights of over 200 frul (about 200 feet).   They can manifest a fragment of their power into a contained and almost puppet-like body known as an avatar. This avatar can disguise itself and wander the mortal world.   Stellar divinities have an internal flame of divine truth that fuels their immense magic. A stellar divinity, if their form is destroyed, will reform around this flame of divine truth.

Genetics and Reproduction

There is no known child of a stellar divinity during their divine tenure. There are rumors of Veric having children, but they were conceived during his mortal life.   Stellar divinities can have biological sexes and identify as a gender.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Stellar divinities tend to be incredibly intelligent. Their psychology closely resembles a mortal's psychology, including ego and pride. Where a celestial divinity does not demand nor need worship, a stellar divinity takes pleasure in worship.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Stellar divinities are able to see through illusions, darkness, bright light, and even peer into neighboring planes of existence.

Civilization and Culture


Stellar divinities were the first beings created by the celestial divinities to shape the raw storm of creation into a universe of wonder.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Average Height
Up to 200 fl (200 feet), but the true upper bound is unknown.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Stellar divinities usually have golden bands and patterns on their skin, feathers, scales, or fur.
Geographic Distribution
Related Myths


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