Initial Expedition History and Goals

The expedition to the Hidden World of Kmuzat began when a ruin was uncovered in northern Irita. The ruins appeared to be a long-destroyed compound and it pointed to a researcher's outpost for the Great Magus Khumaziin, a legendary spellcaster and arcanist from before the Great War thousands of years ago. The outpost was found in the waters between Irita and the islands of Quairi. There, the explorers found records of Khumaziin's base of operations in a demiplane buried in the deep ethereal -- a place almost impossible to navigate to without magical guidance. The ruins contained a single planar fork that allows travelers to visit.   The expedition was then announced to the various Universitate campuses across the United Halla Alliance, where researchers, specialists, and professionals were recruited to form an elite team to venture to this demiplane known as Kmuzat. Initial divinations proved ambiguous and the planar scryers were only able to generate a map of approximated elevations, biomes, and topology. Time differentials might prevent effective connection to the Prime Material, so the expedition is prepared to be self-sustaining once they make it to the demiplane.   The expedition's goals are simple:
  • Identify and chart the demiplane.
  • Collect as much ancient lore and arcane secrets as possible. They might help accelerate modern arcana.
  • Establish a safe base of operations for entry and exit from the demiplane.
  • Research any life that might be found.
  • Return to the Prime Material of Hillit and report on your findings.
You are a member of the expedition, and your job is to support the leadership. None of you are particularly high-ranking and serve as assistants or aids to more experienced agents. However, disaster will soon strike and you will find yourself rising to the roles before you or fall with your mentors.


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