
Quairi is a major island chain in northwestern Hillit. It is not ruled nor universally claimed by any single civilization and has been a source of contention for the last few centuries. Irita and Isoka are the primary international contenders for claim to the islands.   Before magic began its return over a century ago, Quairi was wrapped in the eye of a perpetual storm. The magical release brought an end to the storm, which sparked a surge of exploration expeditions. About 20 or so years into the explorations and charting, a leader of Elkown searched for a missing member of his tribe and discovered the reason the storm was wrapped around the islands: three powerful spirits of fae, twilight, and primal were in their own battle of attrition over the island for thousands of years. The primal spirit wrapped the islands in the storm to stop the undead spirit and fairy spirit from escaping, but the flood of magic boosted their power enough to break the enchantment. One adventure later, the Elkown leader and the spirit purged the island of the two contending spirits with a mighty swarm that also happened to demolish the subtle attempts of colonization from Isoka and Irita.   Since then, no one has successfully placed a foothold of civilization on the islands for an extended period of time. A few teams of shamans have wandered the island, communicating with and trying to placate the natural spirit that lives there.

Demography and Population

There are few sentients living on Quairi. Most are the occasional occultist, druid, or shaman who is trying to influence the balance of power. Sometimes, a refugee or outlaw will find sanctuary on the islands for a short while.   Quairi has approximately 11,700 sentients on it at any time, most of which are isolated, transient, or allied with a planar faction. The demographics are difficult to estimate, but are approximately:


The Quairi islands have ruins of colonies on them. In 247, an ancient ruin underneath the desolate colony Rhosia was discovered. These ruins included a mausoleum of the Ancient Halla empire and the last human emperor himself. This suggests that Quairi was part of the human ancestral empire, maybe even an essential component of it.   The Quairi islands are approximately 6.7 × 109 fl2 (6,000 km2).


There are three opposing and combatitive forces on Quairi: the fae, the undead, and the spirits.   The fae come from Mt. Tinat and Mt. Ti to the west, where hags and trolls weave magic. The undead come from the Kiko marsh and the Scrom bog in the south, where they are able to create horrific constructs of flesh, bone, and spirit. The spirits come from Mt. Poa, Azu, and Uro in the north, where they try to purge the foreign and alien magics from this plane with the help of shamans.

Foreign Relations

There is no central Quairi government. Various colonies have been planted, then destroyed within a decade. The conflicting groups of the Spirit pantheon, Twilight cult, and Fae court all conflict directly with each other and largely ignore outside civilizations. Their motivations are mysterious and uncertain.   Numerous civilizations, including Irita and the Goldenwood, have sent forces to try and quell the conflict on the islands. Temporary peace was occasionally established, but swiftly overwhelmed again with conflict.
Political, independent
Government System
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Barter system
Legislative Body
There is no central legislation.
Judicial Body
There is no central judicial system.
Parent Organization
Neighboring Nations


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