The Celestial Library

The Celestial Library is a demiplane that floats in the Astral Plane. It is the reservoir of all knowledge recorded in the multiverse and is largely open to any visitor.


The plane is largely a featureless space of golden clouds and soft light. In the heart (of which any direction will lead), there exists a fractal cathedral without any consistent orientation of up or down. In this cathedral is the infinite halls of the Celestial Library.   The halls are largely morphic to each visitor to the plane. When a visitor arrives, the environment will adjust for them to be as comfortable as possible. In general, the halls are filled with a golden light, the floors are a white marble, and the walls are lined with dark, hardwood bookshelves filled with tomes.

Fauna & Flora

The Celestial Library is populated with glowing celestial spirits called lantern archons. They act as the attendants and guides in the archive, treating each guest with courtesy and kindness.
Alternative Name(s)
The Akoshic Archive
Dimensional plane
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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