The Astral Plane

The astral plane is an infinite ocean of silver light and clouds, filled with distant stars and glowing nebulae. It is the largest infinite plane, encompassing the entirety of the outer planes. Travel is difficult due to the many hidden dimensions, so most beings travel only through magic and not through might. Most people understand the astral plane and its contained planes of existence as realms of metaphysical thought.   The topology of the astral plane is difficult to describe because it contains folded dimensions and non-euclidean paths. One journey may appear like walking on a infinite mirror-smooth ocean, another may appear like traveling in the infinite folds of a cloud. There are a variety of maps to try to understand the ebbs and flows of the astral plane and it can be understood with the celestial tree model.   The Celestial Tree or Oe Peosh (/oe peˈoʃ/ , the divine way in Modern Celestial) is a network of planes within the astral plane that connect to one another. These planes are mapped in a way that resembles a tree and, as the traveler ascends this metaphorical tree, they reach more and more pure planes of philosophical thought. There are nigh-uncountable demiplanes scattered amongst the celestial tree like leaves in a canopy. The major planes, also known as the Huyem Peosh (/ˈhujem peˈoʃ/ , divine world in Modern Celestial), are critical locations in the celestial tree. Each one represents an aspect of the celestial spirituality and spiritual journey toward the divine Truth. For each truth, though, there is a lie that can corrupt it, known as the corrupted sin. No single celestial god nor demiurge claimes a Huyem Peosh as their dedicated realm. Instead, they may claim a demiplane attached to one or more Huyem Peosh.   For each of the Huyem Peosh, there is a mirrored corrupted world known as an Arbusu (/ˈaʁbusu/ , hell in Modern Celestial). These realms are the twisted reflections of a divine truth and are the sources of a kakodæmonic spirit's power. They are obstacles mortals must face on the path to enlightenment, or Ashi. A spirit will shed their corrupted self into one or more Earbusu planes, surrounded by the suffering and torment their choices have wrought. The rest of the spirit, free of this burden, will proceed on the Oe Peosh. At this time, Earbusu planes house many fiends and tortured spirits.


The following are the major huyem peosh in the celestial tree, their celestial name, their principle spirituality, and their corrupted sin.
  • Nusham ( /ˈnuʃam/ , homeland) is the base of the spiritual tree and the entry for most travelers. It represents the connections we form with the world around us and our ability to enact change. The principle spirituality is the rippling network of action and reaction in the structured order of the universe and the corrupted sin is excessive tethering to transient things -- attachment will lead to suffering. The journey from Nusham can be blocked by fear.
  • Khasi (/ˈχasi/ , foundation) represents the transition from the material realm to the spiritual realm. It is the location where all souls travel to be judged and the spirit separates to travel to its afterlife. The principle spirituality is the balance of the spiritual and the material, also known as conscientious living, and is the realm of ecstasy. The corrupting sin is imbalance -- too much focus on the spiritual degrades the material and too much focus on the material atrophies the spiritual. The journey from Khasi can be blocked by guilt.
  • Lali (/ˈlali/ , glory) represents humility in the face of the divine, willpower, and prayer. It is the ability to subdue oneself in the face of an obstacle in order to overcome it rather than challenge it. The principle spirituality is humility and tranquility. The corrupting sin is passivity -- sloth in the face of evil cannot defeat it. The journey from Lali can be blocked by insecurity.
  • Eare (ea'ʁe/ , eternity) represents suffering, endurance, strength, and patience. It is the ability to withstand trials, tribulations, and challenges. The principle spirituality is spiritual endurance. The corrupting sin is martyrdom -- unneeded self-sacrifice doesn't bring about spiritual change and ends your journey prematurely. The journey from Eare can be blocked by despair.
  • E'klam'e (/e'ʔklamˈʔe/ , wonder) represents spiritual balance. As a spirit ascends, it is faced with potentially conflicting ideals. A truly balanced spirit is able to weather all conflicts and philosophical challenges. The principle spirituality is temperance and wisdom. The corrupting sin is inaction -- when facing difficult choices, it is wise to consider options, but foolish to never make a decision. The journey from E'klam'e can be blocked by regret. E'klam'e is connected to Eutruxe, .
  • Eutruxe (/ˌeutˈʁuxe/ , strength) represents judgement. It is the harshness of the gods judging mortals wickedness, favoring their kindness, and the drive to maintain order of consequence. The principle spirituality of Eutruxe is spiritual introspection and judgement. The corrupting sin is cruel vengeance -- judgement should bring about justice, not shallow vengeance. The journey from Eutruxe can be blocked by apathy.
  • E'gishte (/e'ʔgiʃte/ , love) represents love and kindness. Compassion, understanding, and bonds allow you to rise up and to bring others with you. The principle spirituality of E'gishte is loving kindness. The corrupting sin is obsessive adoration -- love is charitable and acts of love are given without expectation, but obsession will harm another rather than help. The journey from E'gisthe can be blocked by grief.
  • Gibona (/giˈbona/ , understanding) represents learning, rational thought, and truth. The principle spirituality of Gibona is contemplation. The corrupting sin is deception -- truth must shine free. The journey from Gibona can be blocked by lies. Gibona connects to Gipen and Ashi.
  • Gipen (/gi'pen/ , wisdom) represents intuition, insight, and empathy. The principle spirituality of Gipen is the self before the incomprehensible nothingness of the universe. The corrupting sin is pride -- pride in the face of the unknowable will impede spiritual growth. The journey from Gipen can be blocked by illusion and deception. Gipen connects to Gibona and Ashi.
  • Ashi (/aˈʃi/ , crown) represents the true cosmic energy, divine light, and the light of creation. The principle spirituality is true self-actualization and ataraxia. The corrupting sin is spiritual darkness and refusal of the self.
Just as there are the ten virtuous planes of enlightenment and paradise, there are the ten vile planes of obstruction that the mortal self can face on the path to achieving Ashi. The vile planes are also known as Arbusu (singular), Earbusu (plural), or Yo Earbusu (collective).
  • Shazdim (/ˈʃazdim/ , weight) represents attachment and longing. The principle spirituality is the greed and need for material and mortal connections to derive meaning. This is an obstruction because true meaning comes from the self, not from the material world.
  • Geyfotz (/ˈɡejfo/ , intensity) represents absolutism and inflexibility. The principle spirituality is extreme focus to the detriment of nurturing true virtue. This is an obstruction because it distracts the self from cultivating valuable growth and understanding.
  • Yometz (/ˈjomeʦ/ , silence) represents moral passivity. The principle spirituality is tolerance when confronted with an intolerable challenge. This is an obstruction because it allows vile acts to go uncontested.
  • Hohetz (/hoheʦ/ , transience) represents mindless sacrifice. The principle spirituality is selfish or wasted martyrdom and asceticism. This is an obstruction because it harms the self (irrevocably in extreme cases), thus arresting the path to Ashi.
  • Zmuaen (/ˈzmua'en/ , disinterest) represents inaction, often from fear. The principle spirituality is inability to make a decision when facing an essential conflict. This is an obstruction because it removes agency and degrades the power of the self.
  • Khaver (/ˈχaveʁ/ , wound) represents vengeance and anger. The principle spirituality is cruelty and selfish pleasure from pain. This is an obstruction because it turns the self's essential focus away from growth and towards suffering.
  • Tular (/tuaʁl/ , cruel desire) represents obsession. The principle spirituality is mindless need, obsession, or unjustified posession over a toxic part of life or over another sentient. This is an obstruction because it leads into Shazdim and erases the autonomy of another.
  • Pah (/pah/ , obfuscation) represents deception. The principle spirituality is lies and deceit. This is an obstruction because it is a fear of truth and breeds discord.
  • Bimrevetz (/ˈbimʁeveʦ/ , folly) represents pride. The principle spirituality is selfishness and ego. This is an obstruction because it obscures the truth of our importance behind a gossamer veil of lies.
  • 'Eshma (/ˈʔeʃma/ , lowest pit) represents spiritual darkness. The principle spirituality is refusal of the self and self-loathing. This is an obstruction because it is the most grievous personal wound one can inflict. 

The Astral Plane
The astral plane is an infinite realm of thought and philosophy. It is the home of the Celestial pantheon and the Cyclical pantheon.
Alternative Name(s)
Mercurial Ocean, Silver Sea
Dimensional plane
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species


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